Saturday, March 14th, 2009

Who: Sally / Open.
When: 8pm 14th March.
Where: Hospital.
What: Sally was a little too experimental with her cooking.
Rating:Universial: Suitable for all.

Burns burns burns the ring of fire )
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Friday, January 23rd, 2009

Who: Meg & Open
Where: Tink's Tavern
When: Afternoon
What: Getting drunk to ease the pain of loss.

She finally drank her pain away a little at a time//But she never could get drunk enough to get him off her mind )
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Friday, December 19th, 2008

Sally the Doll

Who: Sally, Open to all.
When: Starting Early morning, ending around lunch time 19th Decemeber.
Where: At home in the house, then around town, then Tinks Bar.
What: Sally Escapes home for a while.
Rating: PG

To escape from the true false world )
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