Keys to Wonderland

And Rabbit Hole Reflections

Keys to Wonderland - Threads


January 17th, 2013

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Who: Delila & Dumin Tweedle and The Unicorn. (Visitors are welcome)
When:Thursday afternoon.
Where: Golden Whimsy.
What: Fittings and shopping
Rating: Low, but with some awkward twinly "affections."

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January 15th, 2013

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Who: Darius Black and Ariel Templeton.
When: Tuesday afternoon.
Where: The edge of the Mushroom Forest.
What: A random encounter. Of random.
Rating: Presumably low.

Cookie? )

January 14th, 2013

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Who: Ariel Templeton (The Unicorn) and Humperdinck Dumpington (Humpty Dumpty).
When: Monday afternoon, after Storm is gone.
Where: Ariel's shop.
What: Humpty Dumpty comes in for some finery to help catch the eyes of the ladies.
Rating: Low, I should think?

Golden whimsy )

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Who: Ariel Templeton (The Unicorn) and Storm (the Storm).
When: Monday afternoon, at some point.
Where: Ariel's tailoring shop.
What: Storm comes to sell some of his fabrics.
Rating: Presumably low.

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