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[22 Apr 2020|11:01am]
As I sit down for the first time in what feels like two days just a friendly reminder to listen to what the healers tell you. We had a number of people sneak out without being properly discharged. This can cause a lot of long term complications and can result in you back in the hospital for a longer time than you otherwise would have been.

Mungo's WorkersI'm so goddamn proud of all of you.

[22 Apr 2020|12:11pm]
As more of you are released from St Mungo's if you require any more pain potions, please advise one of us and we'll ensure you receive the correct dosage.

I don't know if I want alcohol or to sleep for the next two days more.

Do you need anything sweetie?

4/22/05; evening [22 Apr 2020|07:37pm]
[Private: Kitty, Izzy, Morag; Alec can read]
    Just been to see the parents, and so we're all aware now, they're going to be giving all of us a choice: family or whatever thing we're doing they don't like. They told me to choose between them, the three of you, and the trust fund and Alec.

[22 Apr 2020|10:11pm]
[warded individually to Daisy, Harry, Maria, Ron, Ginny, Hermione, Seamus, Penny, Luna, Fred, George, Katie]
[If you think your character would reasonably be someone Neville would trust implicitly, feel free to comment and I'll add them to the ward too]

Things can't stay the same. Professor Dumbledore and Professor Riddle had some good ideas, but it's not good enough. I propose we take over and really show these royal bastards that we aren't messing around. Citizens Rising is being blamed for something they didn't do. I don't know about all of you, but I'm not content to just sit here and do nothing.

First, if these elections are legitimate, we need to put up a candidate who can win. I'm sure we'll find out soon enough if the king is lying to put one of his people in power. Until then, we need someone with ideas to campaign and rally the people, but their argument against all of us is that we're too young. Who can we trust to put in to rally the public? Not just the ones dissatisfied with the current regime, but everyone?

We need to dig deep against any candidate the crown puts up. Whoever they want in that position has to have some skeletons.

Any other ideas on how to handle this? I'm open to everything you lot have in mind. From now on we don't sit on our arses and wait for change to come to us. We'll make it happen instead.

[22 Apr 2020|11:13pm]
[Trent] if our lives weren't fucked up enough in the past few days, my parents decided to try and play god with my and the rest of my siblings lives.

They've cut off Ky, and expect all of us to follow suit, and are threatening our trusts. I'm not fucking playing their game, so I might be next. I don't know. As it is, I'm packing up my cottage. I can't live here anymore, not like that.

If you still don't...I mean...I know I've probably been annoying the last...four if you want to break the engagement, here's your best shot.

If you think, I mean...

Do you want me? At all? I know we were only stuck in this because of them, but... I can't believe you'd kiss me like that if you didn't care. I wouldn't have stayed like I did if I didn't have feelings for you. I wouldn't want you to kiss me all the time. I wouldn't dream about

I know you said your parents wouldn't have to go wife-shopping again -- maybe they've learned to do math, unless you want me despite the math.

[ viewing | April 22nd, 2020 ]
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