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[21 Apr 2020|01:02am]
{Private: Regulus and Rabastan}
Well, it seems for once Orion actually managed to say something right. Did someone write his statement for him?</blockquote>

[21 Apr 2020|01:19pm]
Well I have to say it's nice to be awake again.

Family + Friends
Is everyone else okay?

[21 Apr 2020|01:20pm]
To those who attacked the matches, you will not get away with this.

Thank you for the wonderful staff of St Mungo's for looking after me. I expect to be in here for another couple of days.

Family + Friends
They haven't said anything about anyone else. Are you all okay?

Emily Tyler
I was told that you were the one who brought me in. Thank you.

Gem Faley
Ms Farley,

Your brother was my guard, as I'm sure you must know. I have been informed that he died protecting my life. I'm sorry for your lose and if there is anything you need, do let my husband and myself know.

Thank you,
Duchess Malfoy

[21 Apr 2020|02:46pm]
In two days it's my birt Finally home and resting, although I may take this time off to go back and see my fathers. I know they've been worried about me.

| Rabastan Lestrange |
Thank you for allowing me some work while at home. I came across several documents I don't think were intended to be given to you or I. I have enclosed them in an owl to you, however because....I think you should see them.

| Dax |
I probably owe you my life.

| Kyal |
Are you still upset with me for trying to leave against your suggestion the other night?

| Neville |
I have documents you should see, things that the rebellion and the people should see. I'm not sure how we can use them but they expose some things about His Majesty that will shock you.

[21 Apr 2020|02:51pm]
[walburga & regulus]
I have come across something incredibly concerning. I need you both to cancel any meetings you have and meet in my office immediately.
I have a bit of a predicament.
Who is Kyal Macdougal?
[maria potter]
I noticed that you are looking for a job. I would like to meet with you to assess your skills. I may have a position for you.

[21 Apr 2020|02:53pm]
Three days on bed rest and I've already decided it's unnecessary. Hector, I can't lay here anymore, I'm going out to do something.

| Hector |
I'm not in the mood to be prevented from it either. I don't suggest getting in my way.

| Rabastan & Caradoc |
I have several leads for the Assassins to follow. I'll be in tomorrow to give them to you. I'm already growing tired of watching them running around looking like fools.

Caradoc, being gentle isn't getting them anywhere and we both know that there are easy targets to bring them out of hiding, especially Ulrich and Potter who have known allies and personal ties. It's time they or you start using other talents to gain information. Don't you think?

[21 Apr 2020|02:58pm]
You know, in the face of a catastrophic disaster, if the mortician is pulled up to take care of people who are alive, that sounds like a failed attack to me.

[21 Apr 2020|03:06pm]
| Crabbe & Goyle |
Are either of you idiots hurt?

| Padma |
Send flowers to Pansy. I know she was hurt and I want her to have the most beautiful display possible sent to her. Also, arrange for my meetings to be moved to Friday. I'll be home by then and will see them but in my office at my home. Make sure they use the other entrance when they come as well.

Also, I want you to send flowers to my mother. Make sure it's something she likes.

| Pansy |
How are you feeling? I wish I could see you right now.

[21 Apr 2020|03:14pm]
While his Majesty's words are of some comfort that we know who was at fault, it brings little comfort knowing that my family has suffered much in these last two attacks. First my daughter and now my beloved wife. I am only grateful that she was not harmed more than she was.

| Hector |
Understand, this is not over. We both know your weakness now and I will exploit it. You will never be rid of me or the hold I have over you.

| Amaranth |
I will be visiting and bringing you home. I have found a healer that can attend you here, where I can keep a close watch over you.

| Emily |
Stay close to Marguerite the next few weeks. I want her contact with Hector at a minimum.

| Marguerite |
I have a gift for you arriving this afternoon. Be sure to water them all properly, I hear plants like that.

[21 Apr 2020|03:25pm]
| Dax |
Thank you for accompanying me. I found my daughter and was able to get her to healers. I will forever be in your debt.

| Neville |
Do you see now what we are dealing with? What you are up against? I have been told this was not Tom, so if this wasn't Tom that means they are either attacking their own or other rebels are standing up. Sirius, Dax and I will support you in your endeavor, but you need a plan and you need to act quickly before things begin to unravel and you can't hold any sway at all.

| Lily |
I can't tell you enough, how sorry I am.

| Snivellus Severus |
Did you survive?

[21 Apr 2020|03:29pm]
I will definitely be asking off the next Quidditch match that comes around. I don't think I've seen my bed at home in two days

| Healers |
If anyone needs it, I spoke with a cafe in Wizarding London. They're delivering coffee and tea to us in the atrium along with lunch. My treat. We've all been working so hard, we need something to keep the carbs up and emotions down.

Kyal, I asked that they bring you tea since I know you prefer it.

[21 Apr 2020|07:23pm]
Gross Bros
How many of you fuckers got hurt in the attacks?

[21 Apr 2020|08:00pm]
We need to talk.

[21 Apr 2020|10:30pm]
Someone wake me in a week.

Спокойной ночи.

[21 Apr 2020|10:36pm]
Hey Maman, is there any food? Too many edibles Cereal isn't cutting it. Or macaroni and cheese.

[21 Apr 2020|10:52pm]
"There are perhaps many causes worth dying for, but to me, certainly, there are none worth killing for." -Albert Dietrich

I miss you. Do you think Dumbledore would let me work with the elves in the kitchens at Hogwarts?

How are you?

[ viewing | April 21st, 2020 ]
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