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[23 Apr 2020|02:02am]
| Heavily Warded to Dax |
Prince charming, I know you're probably busy right now but I have to ask you something that's very important.

If...if information is leaked, very dangerous information that could probably get me into serious trouble, will you help me hide from Rabastan and the Crown?

[23 Apr 2020|08:34pm]
I've been a bit out of sorts since the attack. I wasn't hurt, but mentally, it's a lot to deal with. Especially knowing so many others were. I hope everybody is okay. I know it's been almost a week now, but I've just been able to manage my thoughts and not be a complete and utter wreck.

Check-in with me, let me know you're alright?

[23 Apr 2020|08:44pm]
I know that I've been quiet and it's only because I have nothing nice to say right now. Whoever the source was for the attack, I hope you catch dragon pox and die a slow, miserable death.

I've stayed with Ernie the entire time. I refuse to leave him until he is back to 100% again. I'm not worried about me, I'm fine, I mean I had injuries too but it isn't important right now.

[23 Apr 2020|08:48pm]
I don't care what the healers say, I'm fine! Where is Sally? She was with me, we were watching the match and that is all I can remember. Where is Big Head? I found out after the fact when I woke up in St. Mungo's that there was an attack. I just remember standing there, that's it.

This is some straight bullshit.

Roll call, where are my bitches at? Are you all okay?

[23 Apr 2020|08:54pm]
I misplaced my journal, but it's alright, I eventually found it. Vince and I were present for the horrible attack. Vince walked off to get a sandwich and next thing I know, I just hear a loud noise and people screaming. I was practically trampled by panicked Quidditch fans but I'm okay. We're okay.

[23 Apr 2020|08:54pm]
Has this week gone by insanely slow but also fast for anyone else?

Have you had a chance to rest after all that happened?
How is the Devil's Snare?
[Twinsies + Katie]
How is everyone?
How are you?

[23 Apr 2020|09:37pm]
Reasons why bedrest should not mean that I have to stay in bed at all times no matter what:

*I have to pee
*Seriously, I'm so bored
*This flat is not big enough for me to do any strenuous activity anyway
*I can't even properly look out the window from here
*Cruel and Unusual
*My muscles will atrophy and die
*People were not meant to be stationary for days on end
*My leg is fine
*Harry is being a git
*This afternoon my good hip fell asleep and then I couldn't even move
*My concussion has improved and now I am probably fine

Isn't mild exercise good for recovery?

Please. Just get me out of this bed

[23 Apr 2020|09:56pm]
[Maman & Papa]
I'm sorry. I know I just ran off and I shouldn't have done that.
How are you doing? Thank you, by the way.
[Runcon Siblings]
Sorry for being me running. I just needed to get away and sorry.

[23 Apr 2020|10:47pm]
Cheers to the assholes that decided to ruin a perfectly good Quidditch match with their selfish narcissistic tantrum. I really didn’t want to do anything productive with my time anyway.

I miss my broom.

[23 Apr 2020|11:09pm]
I can't leave you alone and unattended for five minutes, can I?

[ viewing | April 23rd, 2020 ]
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