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[25 Mar 2020|11:58am]
I swear to whatever higher power that might be there had it in for me this morning. Everything that could go wrong practically did. I'm half-amazed I made it to my desk in one piece and five minutes to spare versus my normal twenty.

[Hufflepuffs '98]
Let it never be said that I don't up to my own questionable decisions as it seems that I took hump day quite literally this week. Woke up this morning beside a guy I'm pretty sure could bench press me without breaking much of a sweat.

That's not the bad decision part. He's a damned closet case.

[25 Mar 2020|06:34pm]
I need people in my life who are good influences.

My mates are no good, they're going to cause me to spontaneously combust with mental dilemmas.

Who wants to drink tonight? I'm starting without you.

[25 Mar 2020|07:45pm]
I advise against making bad choices today, particularly drunk bad choices or encouraging those folks making bad choices! Just doesn't seem advisable for a Wednesday night, let them sleep it off and ignore their bad choices. However, I do highly suggest dance parties in the bedroom as a very brilliant way of passing the evening.

This has been a Maria PSA.

[25 Mar 2020|09:41pm]
OWL to: Ernie Macmillan
OWL from: Hannah Abbott

Drunken OWL )

[25 Mar 2020|10:37pm]
OWL to: Seamus Finnigan
OWL from: Hannah Abbott

Drunken OWL )

[25 Mar 2020|10:44pm]
OWL to: Cedric Diggory
OWL from: Hannah Abbott

Drunken OWL )

[ viewing | March 25th, 2020 ]
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