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[01 Mar 2020|10:32am]
The protest was peaceful until the knights got involved. Expressing dissatisfaction with the government is not a crime, yet it was certainly criminalized yesterday. Also, if anyone wanted to prove that Prophet article wrong about privilege that didn't happen either. Why was I released when other protestors with the same behavior were jailed for longer?

[01 Mar 2020|01:05pm]
You can almost smell the regret in the air around court. It's a pity too. It's an otherwise lovely day out. I wonder if those in the cells are still proud of themselves for their useless display.

| Alastair |
You left too soon the other night.

[01 Mar 2020|01:13pm]
I'm almost jealous I didn't know there was a protest scheduled. See what happens when you have your head under a motor too long? You end up missing all the fun. Although something tells me my mother would have

Tonks, you take all the fun out of life making us work so hard, you know that?

If anyone needs to be bailed out and can send a message let me know. It's the least I can do for such a good cause.

[01 Mar 2020|01:14pm]
All that arresting peaceful protesters proves is that the government has a fear of us being united in anything. The systematic oppression of Muggleborns creates a society of Us vs. Them within the lower ranks of Wizarding UK. None of the protesters were violent. Arrests were happening before we could even be deemed as "disturbing the peace". If it was a pointless protest, why bother arresting anyone? If it didn't have power, why go through the paperwork of it all?

To keep us from uniting on any front.

[01 Mar 2020|01:16pm]
It's a very still day within the walls. Almost too still and quiet. Seems the people were unwilling to wait for an answer before they chose to act out against those that desire to serve them as best they can.

| Rabastan |
The public isn't going to like how things turned out. People they adore were among those arrested.

| Dax |
Tell me you weren't out there.

[01 Mar 2020|01:18pm]
Seems like a right mess was made out of that protest, from both sides. It should have been handled a little better rather than throwing the lot in the cells.

| Neville |
What the hell were you thinking? Your mum and dad are going to kill me for you getting arrested while my back was turned, but not before they sack me for failing to protect you.

There are better ways to make a change. Getting yourself caught and under suspicion isn't one of those ways.

[01 Mar 2020|01:21pm]
I'm starting to think the rebellion enjoys seeing the inside of the holding cells. Why else would they continue to press forward knowing what was about to meet them on the other side. Have some class. If you're into that sort of thing, I'm sure they make places you can go to deal with that urge.

[01 Mar 2020|01:22pm]
Protesting never happens out of nowhere. Unhappiness is a sign of a failure in the system. Perhaps instead of blaming those that have acted out, we should find where we have failed them to begin with. Unhappiness breeds resentment and from there all things begin to crumble. Weakness in a structure never goes without damage.

[01 Mar 2020|01:24pm]
I understand many guards have been working through the night with the protest happening. I'll be sending my assistant up to you with something to help with the exhaustion and any lingering headaches from dealing with what's happened. I imagine this is only the beginning so I should stock up once more on ingredients.

[01 Mar 2020|03:29pm]
The child could be quite useful. Especially with how violently Sirius insists on pushing him away and forcing his own thoughts and opinions upon him. I wish for him to come to the palace so we can meet. Find a way to make this happen.


[01 Mar 2020|04:09pm]
Who: Ginny Weasley and Neville Longbottom
What: Reassimilating after time in the big house
Where: Ginny's flat in London
When: Sunday 1 March. After Ginny's release
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

Lady justice, hear my plea 'Cause the big dollhouse The big dollhouse The big dollhouse Ain't big enough for me! )

[01 Mar 2020|05:42pm]
Why does peaceful protest lead protestors to be arrested? Is it easier to lock up those with opposing views than it is to sit down and listen to them? I guess so.

I had to work and missed the protest otherwise I would have been right there beside all of them. Good on you all for doing what is right. But if they won't even listen when you're in their face, what can be done to get them listening?

On that note, I'm home now and am going to take a quick bath before going out for the evening. What am I doing tonight? I still need to make plans. Or do I want to just stay in? Decisions, decisions.

[01 Mar 2020|05:56pm]
It is the starting of a big political mood, isn't it? Protests tend to be the way change is initiated if you look at history. I support a protest provided things don't get violent (which is not a statement to say there was any violence yesterday just a comment).

[01 Mar 2020|06:24pm]
The protest is just one more step down a very slippery slope. What are the plans to nip this disturbance in the bud?

[Neville Longbottom]
Young Lord Longbottom, I wish to speak with you. My assistant, Ms. Turpin, will set up the particulars with you.

I have reached out to Neville Longbottom. I wish to speak with him. Find an hour or two in my schedule within the week.

[01 Mar 2020|06:31pm]
How'd that protest work out for those of you who spent some time in a cell? Just wondering. If you don't stand with the crown, then you stand against them.

[01 Mar 2020|07:27pm]
Are you fucking serious right now?

My entire life is over!

[01 Mar 2020|07:40pm]
Darling, what are your plans for this evening?


[01 Mar 2020|07:51pm]
Where might I find unicorn shaped sprinkles?

[01 Mar 2020|08:27pm]
I have a lot on my mind tonight. When are all of us going to get the chance to live in a world where each one of us is treated fairly and equally? Every single one of us is important and matters a great deal, regardless of ranking or title.

Our world deserves better. My opinions do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of my family, and I can not stress that enough. It needs to be said though, because right now, the state of our world, it isn't enough.

Neville Longbottom has the right idea.

[01 Mar 2020|10:37pm]
OWL to: Ernie Macmillan
OWL from: Hannah Abbott

OWL Letter )

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