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[02 Mar 2020|01:27pm]
Rabastan Lestrange
What do you want with my son?

[02 Mar 2020|09:35pm]
You've got to be fecking kidding me.

I don't remember this part of my contract, but evidently I have to

My actions over this past weekend were entirely my own and do not reflect the values or opinions of the Holyhead Harpies Quidditch Team or their affiliates and sponsors. However I may personally feel about the current political climate, it in no way speaks for the Harpies organization.

Eat shite

[02 Mar 2020|10:49pm]
Thank Merlin quidditch is starting soon. It seems like it was ages since the League Cup and I for one can't wait. And root for the Magpies, of course.

[ viewing | March 2nd, 2020 ]
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