January 16th, 2017



We've Got a Situation

Who: Charles, Emma, Erik, Irene, and Raven
What: Discussing what to do about Rita
When: Late night, after the party
Where: Xavier's Office
Warning: TBD

But at least there's coffee? )



I'm not drunk.

Who: Colossus and Shadowcat (and Lockheed)
What: Post-party shenanigans
When: Saturday, the 29th, very early morning shortly after party thread
Where: Kitty's room
Warning: TBD

You're drunk. )



There is a Light

Who: Dazzler and Triage
What: Party aftermath
When: Saturday, the 29th, very early morning following party thread
Where: Chris's room
Warning: TBD

And it never goes out )



Please Come on Back to Me

Who: Longshot and Spiral
What: Out of the frying pan...
When: Saturday, the 29th, very early morning shortly after party thread
Where: Lighthouse, Longshot's room
Warning: TBD

I'm lonely as can be )



Our Venn Diagrams

Who: Scarlet Witch and Wolf
What: Helping hand and catching up
When: Saturday, the 29th, very early morning directly after party
Where: Harry's Hideaway to start
Warning: TBD

Are one circle )



If You're Really as Tough

Who: Arsenic and Talkback
What: Emotional catch-up
When: Following Molly's departure
Where: The Cabin, Big Bear Lake, California
Warning: Language, TBD

As your defenses, let them fall )