Initiation X

Aug. 11th, 2016



Ain't No Cure for the Summertime Blues

I know I have been fail with the posting. This will not let up anytime soon, unfortunately. I will probably continue to utterly suck until September 5th when my adorable offspring heads off to his first day of high school (counting the seconds, I assure you). I get to sit for about five minutes at a time before he needs to show me something, bug me about going to high school NOW (yeah, I know, but he's really pumped for it), or getting the 'I'm bored' pouting. Just because the child cannot talk doesn't mean he can't whine and backtalk as well as rest of his peers.

Unfortunately, now that the hormonal migraines of shark week have let up, the weather remembered it's August and the next two weeks the temp here is solidly in the 80s. Which is not hot for you all but AC is not a thing here and it really sucks.

And last and probably least of my time sucks, World of Warcraft has put out the pre-expansion fun and since that is possibly the one thing the boy will let me do undisturbed (or more, willing lets me do for more than five minutes), I have like 20 characters who need to do this before the expansion drops next month.

So yeah, I suck. I will try to post, but make no promises. Poke me if you need me or I haven't replied for a week.






I just realized that I didn't post anything about this before. I mentioned it in chat, but for anyone who wasn't there... I had to fly home unexpectedly because my grandmother passed away. An aunt in another state also died on the same day and I'm still waiting to hear about if/when I need to go to there. On top of that, I am supposed to be in Vegas from Thursday through Tuesday for my friend's bachelorette party.

Sooo... lots of absence from me! I'm hoping that I'll have time to hop on once the drama of the funeral has settled, but I can't make any promises since I *think* I'm still heading to Nevada. We'll see.

Jun. 27th, 2016




Just a heads' up. Cade and I are both sick. So I am going to be slow, since I'm going dealing with him while trying to rest myself. I will try to tag, but don't be surprised if they're not great posts. Also, poke me if I miss something or if you need me. I am online, but can't multitask enough to chat. Hopefully, this won't a be a bad bug for either of us.


May. 17th, 2016




Hey all. Just wanted to apologize for my recent absence and to let you all know that it will continue for the rest of the week. Life and work got really crazy and now I'm about to head out of town on Thursday. If I can get some tags in before then, I will, but I'm not anticipating having much time to do that.

Again, really sorry. :( I usually try not to be such a space cadet. But things should get back to normal next Monday.

Hope you're all well. ♥

May. 14th, 2016



Pimping my characters for the new RO

Okay, I am backish and I need new threads. With nearly everybody.

Cece- Needs something. Mentoring, girls' night out, whatever.

Emma - also needs something. Same deal. She would love to go out or mentor or anything

Remy - Same deal here. Mentoring (especially close combat practice for those who like that sort of thing), flirting, hanging out on the roof smoking. So game.

Erik - If anyone wants to visit and/or drag him out of his lab, that'd be fabulous. Or mentoring or training. I believe he and Kitty almost have the Danger Room operational, so I am more than willing to have him run sims for the other X-Men.

Tom - has a hot troublemaker date with Domino and should probably have another confrontation with Sean. Open for other things with him though.

Kevin - should be released from the medlab He's roomies with Kurt, so I'd like to have them meet. And maybe some mentor/powers eval/training with some of the staff. He's also game for meeting any and all of the other students.

Ev - loves all of you, wants to learn to use your powers, and is super friendly. Have at him.

Sooraya - Would love scenes with the other girls and even mentoring or another trip into the city.

Longshot - Has plans, but you'll see him soon.

I will try to keep up as much as I can with the posting. Still not even close to 100%. BUt bored out of my mind and I don't want to fall too far behind.

May. 8th, 2016



Heads' Up

I know I haven't been very active this week. Between Michael working crazy overtime and everything wrong with me, I have had zero energy. It hurts to even sit up for long and concentrating isn't happening. I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday, so until I know what's going on, I will probably be beyond iffy. Sorry for anything I'm holding up. If you guys need me for anything, shoot me an email. I won't be on IMs, but I promise to check my email.

Sorry about not posting this sooner, but I was hoping it was just a passing thing. Which it is clearly not. Hopefully Tuesday, I'll know more.


May. 5th, 2016



Time Update Warning!

The time update will be going up on Monday, May 9th. This warning gives you guys time to finish up current scenes for the game week, put scenes up that you wanted to include this game week, and placeholder things you want to squeeze in before the roll over. We decided to give everyone a few days to do all of the aforementioned, but be on the look out for the update on Monday! Carry on :)

- IX Mods.

Apr. 10th, 2016



Newbie Alert

Hey everyone! I've already talked with a handful of you (for Guthrie coordination), but for those that I haven't chatted with, I'm Katie and I'm new to the game as of yesterday. I'm bringing in Jeb Guthrie. His full profile is here, but in general he's a bright and impulsive attention-seeker type that has good intentions but is a bit of a trouble-maker because of an inability to think before he acts. Also, he shoots electricity from his eyes. So there's that.

If anyone would like to plot or play, feel free to contact me via email or catch me on the AIM chat. I'm really looking forward to playing with you all!

Apr. 1st, 2016



April 3--12

Just a heads up. I'll be out of town (vacation in Asheville, NC) from April 3rd to April 12th. While I will have internet access and have every intention of bringing my laptop with me, I don't know how much time I'll realistically have for posting. I will do my utmost best on plotty threads, but I will definitely be slower than just normal work slow.

If you need me ASAP, Maura and Dee should both have my number or email/Gchat me because that's linked to my phone. I'll respond when I can, though some areas might be signal barren.

Mar. 21st, 2016



Sorry for the fail.

I am not dead. Last week was just insane. Sunday was Michael's birthday, Monday we had to clean for the annual inspection. Tuesday was the annual inspection AND Cade was running a fever. Wednesday he went to school, but decided he wanted to try out the high dive at the pool and lost his feeding tube button. The day after that heart attack was Cade's IEP. Friday was D&D and Cade's fever came back. I spent the weekend dealing with him and hoping I don't get his cold.

I am exhausted, I am trying to catch up and start new stuff for the rollover. If I forget a tag or you want any of mine, post here, hit me up on IM, email, smoke signals, whatever. Want to get back into the swing of things, but my brain is jello after last week.

Mar. 14th, 2016



24 Hour Warning!

Time Update should go up tomorrow. If anything has not already been started for this week, please take advantage of placeholders prior to the update tomorrow.

- The Mods