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Irreparable RPG OOC



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December 17th, 2010

Back from the dead!

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Right! That took far longer than I expected it to, but I am officially back from my hiatus. I have finally finished school and am ready to take on as many plots as you all can possibly think of for my kids.

For starters though, can someone tell me what I've missed so far if there was anything huge that happened while I was gone? I want to be able to jump right back into everything.

So that means that anything anyone wants to do with Megan or Ritchie, they are all yours. I'm serious. I demand lots and lots of plot.

It's so good to be back. I missed all of you. <3

December 14th, 2010

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So just for a clarification-- Neville and Harry worked late getting memories back to their rightful owner's, but Samuels didn't confess during booking to harming Katie, so someone will have to report her missing or find her in her flat to set her free.

December 9th, 2010

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I've dropped Kenneth and Lisa. I'm still here and, as always, open for random encounters and/or plot with Astoria and Hannah.

December 5th, 2010

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Is it safe to assume that word is spreading about the memory terror? So Audrey can be HORRIFIED? And not want to leave her house? XD

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This is Wayne. He's a big big big nerd. He lives in Diagon Alley above his comic store (wizard and muggle comics, but the muggle comics never sell very well) and wears huge glasses. He's also very tall but he's not very graceful.

I'd like some old Hufflepuff friends for him (bio here). The shop is new and opened only a few weeks ago. Prior to that he worked for his Dad. If you go into his shop you may notice an array of devices and runes around the computer to keep it from shorting out from magic. He learned business the muggle way.

Plot? Friends?

December 3rd, 2010

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I just found BOXES of Christmas Cards I bought last year during the sales, and would love to share the holiday spirit! If you want a Christmas Card from me (and the fam), please e-mail me your full name and snail mail address, and I'll send you one!! :)

jeanxskirt @gmail .com

I just put our tree up today (it's 2 feet tall and COVERED in lights and ornaments) and our Advent Stockings are along the mantle... I'm SO excited for Christmas!

Missy XD

December 2nd, 2010

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I almost hesitate to say this but after way too long I think I'm finally caught up in tags! WHOO!

If you happen to notice any I've missed, lemme know and I'll get to them asap!

November 30th, 2010

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And now for something completely different.


November 28th, 2010

Timeline of the Plot

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Sun, 11/28-- Katie's report to the ministry. She can journal any point now about it.
Tue, 11/30-- Neville attacked, forgets Hogwarts
Thu, 12/2-- Ginny attacked, forgets Harry Potter
Fri, 12/3-- Kherrington attack, forgets Marcus and Ritchie
Mon, 12/6-- Adrian attacked, forgets last seven years
Wed, 12/8-- Charlie attacked, forgets Penelope Clearwater
Sat, 12/11-- Katie drugged and left in flat. Samuels takes her hair for polyjuice at the wedding
Sat, 12/11-- Miles and several NPC Wedding Guests attacked. Forget the last 6 months.

*Adjusted for Date Oops!*

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I'm finding myself without much to do as far as Lisa and Kenneth go. Would anyone like plot with either of them? Bueller?...Bueller?...Bueller?

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It's safe to assume that everyone got Invitations to Oliver and Verity's wedding. If you want to start talking about it. ^^

We're going to put the invites up and backdate them, but haven't had the chance yet. The wedding is on the 11th.

November 27th, 2010

Game-wide plot time!

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Carina Samuels, wanted Death Eater ally, worked with the Kobals (who captured Audrey) and wiped memories for the corrupt ministry under Voldemort. She has been living in quiet hiding for nearly six years, but this weekend someone who knew her will see her and report her to the Ministry, shaking her out of hiding.

Here's the chance for plot. Characters may sign up to be victims of random acts of memory terror. Some will be hit on the streets, alone, and then a cluster will be hit with the charm at a mass location. It'll be a couple of weeks before your character can have these memories back. The Aurors will have to catch her and recover her wand to get the memories back. This will also be a chance for Audrey to get the memories she lost in the war back, if Missy so chooses.

You may comment here if you would like to loose memories. Overall I think the plot will work best if some people loose memories and some don't, so if you have multiple characters, please try not to sign them all up.

1. You may choose to forget a specific person. It should be, however, well known that this person is important. Making Ron forget Hermione would be something Samuels would know to do. Making someone forget their long-lost secret love, is not.

2. You may choose to forget an event. A life changing event could be erased from their mind (until we bring it back) if it is an event that was well publicized. Birth of a child, death of a friend, etc.

3. You may choose to forget a span of time. This is non specific. The last five years, the last year, the last six months, etc.

4. You may specifically choose to be part of the public mass attack. These victims will specifically loose one year of their life.

Comment if you want to participate with what memories you want to go. I'll kick it off early in the week.

November 22nd, 2010

Missy fails. :(

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Okay, so Audrey and George were supposed to host a dinner last Friday for friends and family to tell them about the pregnancy. Do we want to backdate a thread and have a big, group thread for all invited? Or can we just assume they had a nice dinner, and Audrey and George gave their announcement?


November 18th, 2010

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Who else is seeing HP tonight at midnight!!!!!!!

November 17th, 2010

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EDIT: I totally forgot to mention, my AIM is Rainbulimic (gtalk blissychild) if you'd like to get in touch for plotting or questions about general Britishisms <3

Hello all! It's that time again, when you welcome a new character into your midst, only this one's a little different.
Welcome, Lucian Bole.

How best to describe him....

Bole is... suffering from a marble deficiency. He's malicious, violent and utterly lacking in any morals or conscious. He enjoys long walks on the beach and torturing people before releasing them so he can make them squirm with fear.

You might remember him from Hogwarts. He played Quidditch for Slytherin for a while as a beater (took a nice shot at Angelina Johnson at one point) and he also tormented his classmates and anyone younger and smaller than him. He's probably bullied you some how.

Aside from a few 'friends' in his year group, there wasn't anyone he would've gotten along with.
(See his profile for more details.)

He's currently on the run, and in need of a bath, which is making him grumpy. And trust me, you wouldn't like him when he's grumpy...

Anywho! I'm Fran, I'm 23, British, and will be more than happy to fulfil your plotting desires!
So, anyone for backstory?

Oh, and Bole says


November 16th, 2010

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I'm so sorry to do this guys, but I'm going to have to drop Lavender. I love this game so much, but my health problems combined with school stuff have turned out to be more of a problem then I thought and I don't have time at the moment. I'll miss all of you guys!


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I wanted to give you all a head's up that my computer is in the shop. Hence the reason why I've been very sparse since some time last week. My computer time is limited, though still available as my husband lets me use his laptop. I can't do graphics, I can't get the hang of using the darn apple key, I don't have my LJ login function, and I can't steal it and stay on it for a whole evening (especially because the battery life isn't great, the chord isn't long, and I don't want to camp on the floor near the charger.)

That said, I will still reply to any email notifications I get. If you need a thread with me, comment here after you post it up and I'll track it down. It just makes it hard to stay online long hours for a back and forth or to keep as vigilant an eye on the IC as I usually do. I will get to any tags I get notifications of!


November 12th, 2010

Hiatus Notice

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Hey guys.

I know I've been sucking massively lately, and I'm really sorry. I owe tons of replies all over, and I promise they will get done. But at least for the next week or so, I need to focus on finishing up my schoolwork, getting it out of the way and then I can play and have fun.

If anyone really needs me for anything like right now, just let me know. I'll do my best to get involved with that, but other than a few replies here and there and maybe tagging my old threads, I'll be away. I should be in full control by late November - early December once all my schoolwork is gone. So, I'm going to just focus on the crappy stuff, so I can get back to playing as soon as possible. =)

November 11th, 2010

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Just letting you all know that I'm going to be on and off for the next couple of days, as I'm playing in the Quidditch World Cup (seriously) being held in New York. It's a truly exhausting process and more likely than not, when I'm at home, I'll be asleep or doing homework. So I'll probably be back in the swing of things around Tuesday and I'll try to tag as much as I can.


November 10th, 2010

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Hey guys! :D

I FINALLY got my computer back (took waaay much longer than expected, so sorry!) so I've got both Rob and Parvati back in action! I'm trying to read through all the posts I've missed and catch up, but if there's anything I need to know that I missed, let me know!

I have a paper due tomorrow so I don't know how productive I'll be today, but I'll try to catch up on old tags (unless anyone I owe them to just wants to drop the thread because it's been so long, just let me know :\) because I'll surely be procrastinating :D

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