Irreparable RPG OOC

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Irreparable RPG OOC



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October 28th, 2010

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Hey guys! I know I just got back, but I've been having some awful headaches that have been making it hard to work on the computer. Hopefully I can sleep a ton over the weekend and have it gone and be back by Monday.


October 27th, 2010

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Hey guys. Sorry I've not been tagging or replying to things lately. Some RL stuff has come up, and I've been distracted. Nothing major. Just too many things to think about!

Anyway, I will be getting around to those tags, wrapping up old threads and getting to those new ones that have been posted. I only wish that this cold that wants to hit me so badly does so already so that I can get a few days off from work to RP or something. XD

But yeah, if anyone needs Ritchie or Megan for anything that's happening like right now, just let me know. I will try my hardest to do some tags tomorrow and Friday. :D

October 20th, 2010

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So bad news. My second day of break, my (new) computer crashed for some unknown reason and I just today was able to get it in to repair. I have no idea when it'll be fixed, probably early next week. I know I owe many tags and I was so excited to have free time to be able to do a lot, but it seems my computer had other plans. I'll try to get in to a computer lab this weekend and tag a little, but I'm not sure if it'll be available.

I'm going to put both Parvati & Rob on hiatus until next week, hopefully not longer. I can get email on my phone, so if you really need to reach me, you can email me there :)


October 19th, 2010

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I'm back! It felt like the longest week of my life, but finally things have calmed down. Now, who wants to play with Lavender? And what did I miss?


October 16th, 2010

Jackie with her last.

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I couldn't take the lack of testosterone running about in my head, so this is Kenneth Towler. Gryffindor (from the Weasley Twin's year.) He's on the quiet/reserved side, a shoppe keeper (antiques/charmed furniture/etc), and plays the violin when in private. Profile is on the userinfo.

He needs friends, plot, etc... oh, and add him, please!

October 15th, 2010

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Happy weekend! :D

So sorry I haven't been around as much over the past two weeks, I've had midterms + lots of papers. But I survived and now I have a brief fall break (today through Tuesday). So I have nothing but free time the next few days! ^_^ So please, please, hit me up with some threads/plottage? I've got both Parvati and Rob open for anything!

I know there's a thread planned for Verity & Parvati (Missy -- I'm about to drive home but I'll definitely throw up something this evening for the girls :D) Let me know either here or send me an IM if anyone wants anything else!

Kat (Parvati/Rob)

October 14th, 2010

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I don't think Verity and Oliver have made an official announcement yet, but it's safe to say that it's leaked into the tabloids about their wedding. And they're not the greatest at being secretive (as we've all seen) XD So something was bound to spill anyway.

Verity has moved into Oliver's place, but they're staying in different parts of the house until after the wedding. Uh... yes. That's all. XD

October 11th, 2010

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This is Jackie with Hannah. Plot is good, etc etc. She's oddly straight forward and if curious on anything, her userinfo is on her userinfo. :-) Lisa still needs added to a lot of journals too, so kill two birds with one stone and Update your lists, please?

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So sorry I've been a little MIA lately. It's October, which is my favorite month, so I've been soaking it up a bit. Totally didn't mean to leave all my threads hanging like that, but I will get back on them! I promise.

In the meantime, my birthday present to myself:


October 8th, 2010

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Hey guys, I'm probably going to be gone for the next week and a half-ish. It's my midterms starting Monday, and I've actually got to study for them (which is lame), also next weekend I have a wedding to go to that's 6 hours away. All of my time is being eaten and this is making me sad.

-Sara (Lavender)

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Okay, so, I'll be around even less this weekend than normal, as I'm going to a wedding. I'm gonna bring my lappy, but I dunno if we'll get wifi at the hotel. I've got my phone, too, but that means shorter tags. (And I can only be logged in as one journal at a time, so pardon my default icons, and it takes me a lot longer to tag posts that are friends-locked.)

I will definitely be back Sunday night, though, to catch up on whatever tags I don't get to over the weekend. And I'll make some awesome posts on Sunday/Monday to catch up. ^_^

(Audrey, Verity, Kherrie, Draco, Miles, Stephen)

October 7th, 2010

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I just wanted to say that I briefly flirted with the idea of hurling drunk/sad Charlie into the hurt/drunk Daphne thread. I figured that might be just a little too twisted.

October 4th, 2010

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To any Marvel fans who just weren't into the Next-Gen thing but love the canon characters: [info]genosha

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SOO sorry I've been totally MIA the past few days (week? honestly, time has just been so messed up lately). I had a lot of work at the end of last week + over the weekend + I was in NYC all day Saturday and then I've been having some laptop troubles the past two weeks or so and then yesterday (IN THE MIDDLE OF WRITING A PAPER DUE TODAY MIND YOU) my computer finally gave up and crashed and it's been getting fixed all day.

BUT now I have a new laptop and I'm back! I know I owe LOADS of tags + I need Rob to jump in to the Merlin's Pants drama and thread. I'll get around to it all later this evening, I promise!!

If there's anywhere either Rob or Parvati are desperately needed & I need to tag, please let me know!!

Kat (Parvati/Rob)

September 25th, 2010

Game Results

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Semi Final – Kenmare Kestrals 40:200 Falmouth Falcons
Friday, 24 September 2004

Final – Puddlemere United 170:50 Appleby Arrows
Saturday, 25 September 2004

September 20th, 2010

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Jackie here with my second character, Lisa Turpin!

Lisa is a former Ravenclaw who has been out of the loop for a bit. She's just transitioned back into the Wizarding World (after staying with her parents for a bout after a bad breakup) and is working as an office worker at the WWN. She's on the shy side, especially following aforementioned bad breakup, but she's a very friendly, loyal person if one gets to know her. Her profile is in her journal for further details.

She is in need of friends, plots, etc.... anything, really, would be lovely. ♥!

(Oh, and kindly add her please!)

September 17th, 2010

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Alright folks! I'm chucking Katie out into the abyss in hopes that someone might have some good plot ideas we could collaborate on. I've got plans for her in January, but not before then and I want to do something more with her than just Quidditch and shagging Adrian.

Hit us up at eliyeuxwood on AIM or email me at -- or tag here!



September 16th, 2010

Random but...

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This is the funniest thing I've heard in a while. I literally laughed out loud while reading.

Stephen to Rob: (about Megan here) "I don't think I could be Yoko Ono."


Best line ever.

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I'll be going away (again) for the weekend to Anime Weekend Atlanta (if you're going, I'll be the Sailor Mercury/Princess Mercury)

I'll be back late Sunday.


September 15th, 2010

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Okay, so, I think gmail on my phone ate up a bunch of my e-mails. I can't find some of them that I know were there... if you've got a thread with me that's on my turn (or want a thread with me in general) comment and link me?

(Audrey, Verity, Stephen, Draco, Miles and Kherrie)
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