Irreparable RPG OOC

August 21st, 2010

Irreparable RPG OOC


August 21st, 2010

OTA 2010

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The Event: Starting Sunday now players will have a chance to claim an OTA from prompts that will be listed below. A character will claim a prompt and then within the next hour throw it up in the IC Community with Character: X and OTA.

Another character who is NOT a brother, significant other, room mate, best pal, etc (someone they normally don't thread with) will tag and a random scene will start.

At the end of 2 weeks we'll look back at the OTA2010 threads and I'll hand out some awards (for creativity and openness to new interaction, etc.) I'm hoping this will spark some plots as Missy said, we need more OTA to get things mixed up.

Behind the cut is a code for the OTA2010 posts. Please copy and paste it and fill out the blanks before starting your post.

OTA2010 Template )

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Hullo everyone! I'm Rogue, bringing you the infamous but totally awesome Ritchie Coote.

According to the lore, Ritchie was on the Gryffindor Quidditch team for a while there, and that's about all it says really. His story is actually a bit of a complicated one, which I will try to give the abridged version here.

Basically, Ritchie was raised to be a good Pureblood boy, like all good Pureblood boys were. Except, his mother was a Muggle, and his father was a Death Eater. Ritchie's father became a Death Eater because he believed it would protect his family, but what actually ended up happening was quite the opposite. It turned his family upside down. Ritchie's mother died from a "mysterious Muggle disease" or so he was told, and a werewolf was sent after Ritchie. He was turned into a werewolf during the Christmas holiday of his 6th year, which translates into the trio's 7th year at Hogwarts. As expected, Ritchie never finished school.

During the Battle of Hogwarts, Ritchie's father fought against the Death Eaters but was eventually killed due to his betrayal. Ritchie then decided to leave the wizarding world all together and now lives with his Muggle uncle in London and moonlights (no pun intended) at a diner. He's usually a quiet, shy person, except for those few days leading up to the full moon where he becomes this creepy, twitchy mess. His uncle doesn't know he is (or that his father was) a wizard. Mostly, Ritchie misses playing Quidditch and hanging out with his best bud Andy Kirke. But he knows he can't go back to the Wizarding World, because he'll either be killed or will accidentally kill someone.

SO! After that monstrous intro, I suspect a boatload of plot will be thrown my way, and I will accept it with open arms. You can ping me at somethingrogue on AIM or just through this journal.

Bring it on!
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