Irreparable RPG

May 24th, 2010

May 24th, 2010

Early Mornings with Fast Eddie Carmichael

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"Now you've all undoubtedly heard about this Quidditch scandal," Eddie said, Monday morning. "A bunch of Quidditch players got busted better against their own teams and then buggering up so they could make money. Well, Appleby and Caerphilly brought up second strings. Appleby brought up Turner, who has a great passing game with Pucey anyway. Turner's done a lot of subbing lately. But Montrose is making the sports page of the Prophet this week. They decided to bypass their second string--"

"Who can blame them," his co-host said, "They're not very inspiring."

"And they've hired a totally new player. Someone who has never played pro before, or even B-League. They've signed on Gryffindor alumnus Angelina Johnson," Eddie continued, the sound of the Daily Prophet crinkling over the microphone. "She was on Oliver Wood's dream team along with Potter. She was captain for a year when she brought in Ginny Weasley. So she's tied to some great names."

"Says she's a trainer," the co-host added. "Weasley, Summerby, she's barely been in the country for ten weeks but she has a great client roster. And they're all out a trainer."

"Well, we'll see. My money is still on a Tutshill versus Puddlemere cup," Eddie shrugged. "Alright, after the break we get into some more news stories, including the big Harry Potter sidekick wedding tonight. That will be after the break, but first a word from our sponsors."

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Who: Eddie and Romilda
What: M-A-N-I-P-You Late!
Where: Leaky Cauldron
When: Monday Night

Come On Look Me in the Eye, You Wanna Try and Tell a Lie? )

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Who: Ron and Hermione and everyone who was invited!
What: The Wedding
Where: The Bangin' Bash Eatery, Diagon Alley
When: Monday, noonish

The decorations were up, turning the rustic looking bar into a charming place to hold a wedding. )
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