July 13th, 2008

[info]badasswiccan in [info]introtofandom


So, uh...hi. I'm Willow. And I'm not really big on the introducing of myself. It always ends up sounding like a personal ad of sorts. Like, "24 year old lesbian, likes magic and computers, originally from California but travels." And then, some guy replies, talking about how, you're not really gay. You just haven't met him yet. Or, you know, it's some girl who thinks a threesome is the perfect birthday gift, and she's all; "You're so pretty. My boyfriend would totally love you." And who wants that? Sorry. I had a MySpace for a little while.

Anyway, mock personal ads aside, I really am a 24 year old lesbian from California who likes magic and computers and has been doing some traveling. Mostly on account of the magic I mentioned. See, I did this big spell. All the Potential Slayers in the world became Actuals. Which was, good, for battle purposes. We were sort of fighting the source of all evil to keep the world from ending. And hey, we did it. We stopped the First. But then it made our whole town go all subterranean. Not to mention, it left all these newly called girls who had no idea who they'd become. What they'd become, really. Which was bad. 'Cause Slayers are all--Slayery--with the super strength and the big destiny thing.

So I've been out there, finding them. The new Slayers. And I've been telling them what they are and where they can go to make good on their superpower status. It's kind of neat. Getting to tell all these girls that they're so much more than they think they are. Talk about empowerment. I guess some of it has been about me trying to find me too. I kinda got lost there for a little while. A couple of times, actually. The last time was in Brazil. I realized, I wasn't all the way over Tara. She was my girlfriend who died. There was a shooting. She never really had a chance. So I was ready to take the world down with me. Never really thought I'd recover from that, and maybe I didn't. Maybe it was all too soon. I thought I was over her, or at least that I was okay to move on. Which is what I did with Kennedy, who was my new girlfriend. Until she wasn't.

We broke up and then went our own separate ways. Which was, it was bad in some ways. I really miss her. But there were also good things that came from it. Like, getting to see lots of the world and not trying to end it again. (That's a long story.) I was actually back in Los Angeles for a short time. With Xander and Solvei still out there, helping with the girl-finding, I figured it would be okay to come home for awhile. But not long after I got here, the coven needed me in England and well, after all they did for me, it's pretty hard to say no to them. And by hard, I mean impossible. So I went and I've been there for the last six months and now I'm here. Now I'm back.

I also got to do a lot of soul searching. And it helped. I mean, it made all the difference in the world. All those people out there, the ones who hit that early life crisis and need to 'find themselves'? It's not really as silly and melodramatic as it sounds. I remember telling Giles, when we were still in England that I just wanted to be me. I just wanted to be Willow. And now? I kind of think that I am. Again, I mean.

I was always Willow.

December 2008

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