July 12th, 2008

[info]xanderlharris in [info]introtofandom

Xander is the guy most people don't take a second notice to. At least, they didn't used to. Not until he had his eye poked out. Gruesome you're thinking? Well, yeah it was, but he'd go into the same situation without pausing for a moment. Plus we'll get into the whys and hows in a moment. The details, all those nitty gritty things that you all are waiting on baited breath to hear. Alas, that will have to come at another time... or never. Andrew really tells it better.

You see? He lives, breathes, and works with the most amazing women. Real life superheros, in fact. They are slayers. Most men would feel intimidated probably by being around women all the time that could kick your ass. Not Xander, because at a very early age, well, not like baby age or toddler age or pre-pubescent age... but teenager age. That time when life is lived in two extremes. Either you were emo about your life being boring or it was the best time ever.

When Buffy Summers walked into his life he was blind sided. He was completely and truly in awe. In fact, he was so taken with the girl that he ran right into a metal railing trying to get a better look at her. He fell deeply and madly in puppy love with her. As deeply and madly in love as any teenager could possibly love someone anyway.

The love thing between the two of them never panned out. Not in the romantical (yes, it's a word because I Xander says so) sense but in the best friend sense. After his best friend Jesse died Buffy took the place in the circle of friends. Not that she took the place, she just filled a gap. From then on they dealt with some very wacky things. Vampire and demons are real type things. Apocalyptic battles, the loss and gain of loved ones, friends trying to destroy the world, even lately with the New Kids on the Block coming back. They've been through it all together.

For the last five years Xander has scoured the globe finding slayers and sending them on their way. He's seen new creepy things. Even named a couple. The council lets him do that. When he comes across a new species of demon he gets to name them and he kinda likes that. Mostly all names that he comes up with are a play on words or other words put together and spelled backwards. Why? Because it makes more sense to him that way. For example, one demon he came across in Guatemala sucks the very life force out of you by touching you. He named it S'llikome. Read that backwards with a straight face.

That's the guy he is. He makes the sometimes funny jokes and tries to make you laugh. He'll try his hardest to make you like him. He's going to go hang with Faith, Kennedy and Captain Peroxide at their school with his slayer Solvei. Try and teach the girls about some new demons and he's sure that they'll end up teaching him just as much... but about other things.

Now? Can I please stop talking in the third person? It's making me uncomfortable.

December 2008

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