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Head Count! [09 Mar 2010|12:40pm]
I know it's a bit early yet, but I need to take a head count for plottish reasons.

You don't need to know the reasons yet, only that they're plottish. :)

Is anyone planning to ignore the Commissioner's sage advice and go plunking around outside of town on the night of Day One?

Thank you!

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Introduction [09 Mar 2010|07:20pm]
So it's about time I got around to this only I was waiting for something. Anyhow. My name is Heather and I'm 22 years old and my head often wants to explode because I have a 3 year old half-brother who might as well be my own kid. He currently has an ear infection and is whiny as Hell.

Meanwhile, here are my characters.

This here is Mina. She's famous for being famous rather like Paris Hilton only without the scandals. Her father owns a big time movie studio and she's worth a whole lot and in the tabloids often. On paper, she's pleasant but not necessarily nice. In reality? She's a snob, sarcastic and pretty much has no brain-to-mouth filter when it comes to being insulting.

I also have [info]tinfoilhat Sage "Riffraff" Wisdom, British hacker and girl genius specializing in robotics. She's a clean freak so please don't touch her even if you want to rub her bald fuzzy head for good luck. She will freak.

And FINALLY (for now as I am an addict and already thinking about a fourth) I have [info]_intherough James "Jamie" Fraser, an 18 year old dork from Inverness, Scotland. He smiles a lot and is generally extremely pleasant. Also, he's freaking adorable. Go just look at him. LOOK. Adorable.

And that's it. Catch me on AIM at NemesisKismet or NemesisKismet [at] gmail [dot] com. Wurd.
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Attention Europeans! [09 Mar 2010|09:27pm]
...Well, everybody, actually.

Having received complaints and questioning e-mails regarding the matter of the spelling of ALFA versus ALPHA, we have done some research!

For the purposes of the game, the block (wow, that sounds concentration campy--who came up with that???) will remain ALFA, which is the European spelling.

ALPHA is the American spelling. Apparently, this is because Europeans do not see PH and automatically think F as Americans are trained to do. Oh, we silly Americans and our silly spellings...

This means that characters who are familiar with military call signs and are from Europe will feel right at home. American military characters will be confused as heck and will doubtless wonder if their captors are dyslexic idiots.

Carry on, everybody, carry on!
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