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Notif fail [10 Mar 2010|05:30pm]
For some reason, IJ has decided that Cath gets no notifs tonight. I am getting them on Belle, but not on his threads. So if you reply to him, please IM me or email me and let me know, as I might miss it until I start getting notifs for him again.

*kicks IJ*
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[10 Mar 2010|06:55pm]
Hi guys! Emily here again with my second (and last - my limit is two) character, Arthur King. He prefers King, though. He's a retired army officer and he's a brilliant tactician. (I, however, am not. So bear with me. T_T) He's a good leader, if a little stiff, and he's pleasant, though a bit stoic. And he's also male, so hurrah! Another guy!

As usual, plotting is awesome.
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[10 Mar 2010|08:54pm]
Hello all! My name is Britt and I am a brand new member of your lovely community! I'm a grad student who is currently on her Spring Break. I bring to you Graham J. Shepherd, a 37-year-old journalist from England in the shape of a David Tennant PB. (Don't worry, though - he doesn't always act his age!) He's quite social, being that he interviews and talks to people all the time, although he can be a bit moody/eccentric/absent-minded! Feel free to check out his bio in his journal if you'd like to find out more about him, or just ask me! And I'm excited to start playing with people, so through me a line and let's work something out!

My AIM is: madnessandtea, btw, its just hard to catch me there sometimes!
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Again and again [10 Mar 2010|11:57pm]
Heather here again. This is my final character. Eden Wolfe. She's 36 and technically an eco-terrorist. She was just trying to save threatened species of animals in both the ocean and Africa. And also, she grew up in Australia. Aaaand also, she's dead sexy. That is all.
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