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Hi everyone! [08 Mar 2010|02:52pm]
Hi everybody!

I'm Emily and I'm bringing you Cordelia Grace LaRue. She's a twenty-year-old former university student and she's really shy and really jumpy because she's had rather a rough childhood, but she's really sweet! (Wow that's a lot of reallys in one sentence. Fail.) Anyway, I'm super-excited about the game and would love to throw Delia at people! Let me know if you want to thread with her ^^ My AIM is rememberedorison and my email is if you want to plot!
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Good evening folks [08 Mar 2010|07:40pm]
I thought I start a thread with Jackson waking up. Please feel free to have anyone jump in if they're around the Alpha block. I have a feeling Jackson will be spending the first chunk of her day just in the apartment, so she won't be at the pub anytime soon.
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[ viewing | March 8th, 2010 ]
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