Posts Tagged: 'event'

Nov. 28th, 2019



[No Subject]

As of this morning, a large delivery of medical supplies was made to the Travel Hub. However, before it could make its way to Mungo's or Parkinson's, those moving the newly delivered antibiotics were attacked and the supplies raided. One individual was killed. It is unclear exactly who the perpetrators of this horrible crime are, or their plans for the medication (whether to be sold at asinine prices on the black market or to distribute to those who need it elsewhere), but it is currently being investigated by the DMLE. Patrols around the hospitals and Travel Hub have also been upped for safety.

The knowledge IN GAME to players is that of the attack itself, and subsequent reports that it was perpetrated by Muggleborns in the slums to be used against the population at large as a bargaining chip.

There is also a hefty reward for anyone who has information on the crime or those involved.

The High Council has been called to immediately address and discuss these issues for further comment and action.

Nov. 26th, 2019



[No Subject]


After the tragic and heartbreaking passing of Luna Lovegood on 11/24, four others have followed suit has of today. Two being children from the Slum's Orphanage, one of the original members of the delegation who brought in the sickness housed at Parkinson's Hospital, as well as two other individuals at Mungo's.

The news is heavy, however, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Between information and medication brought in by Justin Finch-Fletchley (this is NOT KNOWN to the game at large), along with research from Ernie MacMillan, Melinda Bobbin on the potions front, Adelaide Yaxley, and Draco Malfoy, the disease has finally been identified.

Pertussis can be treated with specific antibiotics quite easily. However, due to the large numbers who have since come down with the illness, there is no question there will be a shortage. Most of the stores within the Magical Community have already been routed to Parkinson's to be distributed among the Purebloods currently sick. There is also the added burden of those whose sickness has since moved on to Pertussis Pneumonia, and who are now at much higher risk of possible death.

So the question now remains: Will the government and its citizens be able to procure the medication necessary in time before many more die?

*Be kind and pretend there was a prophet announcing the deaths (minus the slum children), but also the good news about a possible cure, coming soon to a hospital near you!

Nov. 5th, 2019




A very large group of delegates returned to New Diagon on Monday afternoon. In order to celebrate a job well done, several of the group visited the Maiden Head for a bit of fun, if you will.

Usually, this wouldn't be an uncommon occurrence. However, several of the delegates who shared hourly beds with the workers might have brought an extra surprise. How did this happen? Skirting the re-entrance medical exam, of course. And this surprise is not the kind anyone should be looking forward to...

If you're interested in participating in the upcoming plot, please submit the name of your characters you'd like to have included below. Please also indicate if you'd be willing to let your character roll for, ahem, survival. You will receive a comment with a timeframe of when your character will be affected to play out IC!

I will also be in contact with those who have medical personnel to supply extra information and plot to assist in game!

Oct. 30th, 2019



Info Note!

Emily Hastings funeral was held today at 2pm. It was beautiful and there were a lot of flowers because it's the only thing that makes Aly feel better. I figured there didn't need to be a thread but I just wanted everyone to know in case your character was present!

Also, I'm too lazy to log into the mod account, but there is a massive thunderstorm with insane lightening tonight. It would probably make travel outside somewhat difficult, unless you're relying on apparation within the walls.

Oct. 28th, 2019



[No Subject]

At 10:27 AM, the wards Seren Capper set up around the possible living space of the Serial Killer were tripped. Both Derek and Seren arrived immediately, easily spotting the glimmer of a disillusionment charm in broad daylight since they knew what to look for. There was a bit of a chase through the streets, but he was taken down rather easily by the two working in tandem. Immediately, he was taken off the street and away from curious eyes watching the entire ordeal.

Once out of sight, Derek might have turned a blind eye for Seren to let out a bit of anger. After, he was promptly taken to the DMLE where he was identified as Muggleborn Charles Atkinson. The injuries were not questioned-- but then again, Derek Brown brought him in, so it's sort of expected.

A statement that turned into a full, crying confession was taken, and while he will be kept overnight for further questioning, Silverbay Prison was contacted not long after his arrest to advise the following morning he would be transferred to their custody.

Moving forward, Justice is up to his fellow man living in the Slums.

Oct. 22nd, 2019



[No Subject]

Hello all!

Beneath the cut is a summary of the night's events. There are mentions of prostitution, murder, and character death, which I know is common in this game at this point, but I still wanted there to be some sort of warning! Also, not all of the actual backstory will be known, but since this isn't being entirely written out, we felt it important to give more information and motivation.

Read more... )

Oct. 18th, 2019



[No Subject]

A flyer is posted in several places come EARLY (dude like 2am) Saturday Morning, yet no one seems to remember someone posting them:

poster )

Oct. 12th, 2019



[No Subject]

At 11 AM this morning there is a loud crack that rings out throughout all areas of Diagon and Knockturn. The darkened sky suddenly gives way to light.

Cloudy, grayish light, to be sure, but daytime has resumed. Finally, am I right?

Oct. 4th, 2019



Starting on October 5th..

The day started entirely normal. The sun rose. Businesses opened. People went about their normal Saturday business. But around 10 am, a thick, magical darkness envelopd the entirety of Knockturn Alley, Diagon Alley, and New Diagon Alley. A very powerful bit of magic being experimented on in a locally owned business gone awry, as is almost instantly reported by local news outlets.

Don't fret, the Ministry is already on it! (no, for real this time) However, there is currently no ETA on when the spell will be reversed, or when normal daylight will resume...

OOC: For the time being, perpetual night has dawned. A stark contrast in the wake of an early curfew, wouldn't you say?

Sep. 26th, 2019



[No Subject]


[a whole slew of these posters appeared throughout
Diagon today with no explanation]

Aug. 10th, 2019



[No Subject]


Aug. 7th, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: Anyone and everyone
What: Come one, come all, to the Ministry's Summer Fair!
Where: Diagon Alley
When: Running from August 7th-11th
Rating: Anything higher than PG13 please mark in the titles of your posts.

Welcome, welcome, welcome! )