September 6th, 2019



Sept 6, 2012

Who: Colin Creevey & Melinda Bobbin
Where: Drunk Octopus
When: 10pm, Friday
What: Melinda wants Colin to investigate this letter
Rating: PG? I suck at ratings

From where I stand everyday inaction is the real thing we’re fightin’ here. )



[No Subject]

Who: Friends of Neville, Friends of the Rebellion, Rebellion members etc
Where: Rooftop of Cracked Stone Lane
When: Starting around 730 to whenever
What: The Slums needs a good party
Rating: I'm really fine with anything just mark your tag subject if there needs to be a warning

No one parties like an entire population of disenfranchised humans )



[No Subject]

Parcel to Rabastan, received by Lucinda )



[No Subject]

Who: Stephen Cornfoot and Astoria Greengrass
Where: Whole Latte Love
When: Early morning, Friday
Rating: Language, Complete

Precious, precious coffee )