About the Info Desk

This is a reference community for the game [info]noexits.

Players may create pages for places on campus that they make their own, including their dorm rooms or classrooms they take over. Who doesn't like wasting time on sites like apartmenttherapy.com?

In addition to having a reference space for places on campus, players may create reference pages for characters including items or materials they pick up on other worlds, notating major events that have happened to them in game, or normal routines they develop on campus when there's nothing else going on so other players are aware of a given character's regular actions and whereabouts that aren't worthy of RPing out constantly.

This space is yours! Have fun!

Posts Tagged: 'organization:+welcoming+committee'

May. 14th, 2021



The Welcoming Committee



Eliot Waugh
Founding Member

Ron Weasley
Founding Member

Peter Parker

Vanya Hargreeves



The Welcoming Committee is a loosely organized group of people who have taken it upon themselves to make it suck slightly less for new arrivals. They have no real authority, only a desire to help.

So far their duties have been to create a "welcome sign" stolen from Planet Vegas (click here for a better detailed image made by Natalie!) to signal to new arrivals they're not alone in this situation, create a welcome letter (see below) that flies to each new arrival via enchanted paper airplane, answering questions on the network for new arrivals, maybe stopping someone who comes in violent or confused, figuring out ways to make things less terrible by creating a bar, putting together a collection of clothing, or safely storing cursed items found on campus.

At least it's something?

Comment on this post if you would like to have your character join The Welcoming Committee.

The Welcome Letter )