25th September 2009

[info]gildhart in [info]illwindooc

so i seem to make a lot of posts in the ooc comm. sorry about that. firstly, sorry that i haven't been as active as i could be with my characters, especially severus. but, when i'm less busy i intend to have him post with an in-game reason for his absence so it's all good.

so i move to university tomorrow. eeeeeeeeee excited. and then fresher's week commences. it's seriously hectic and i don't know when i'll be able to post/comment - i also don't know when i'll actually get internet access in my room yet. i'll have my blackberry so if you need me, you can mail giddytron@gmail.com.

so i'll see you around the beginning of october!

- amanda.

PS. butterscotch noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

[info]imperiofury in [info]illwindooc

Hiya folks, here is a Rabastan/Severus log from three weeks ago that we finally finished. I just posted it and thought you might like to know!