1st June 2009

[info]illwindmod in [info]illwindooc

Weekly Plot Prod, Recap & Housekeeping

Please read the following and comment on the entry once you have, so we know that everyone is aware of what's going on. :) Thank you! )

[info]proudfooty in [info]illwindooc

Hi, everyone! I'm Elizabeth, and I'm your latest newbie. I'm from the Netherlands, where we've been experiencing some nice weather lately. And, believe me, that's rare. /fail. I'm in college, I just turned twenty (a few weeks ago), and I am addicted to vanilla coke. Unfortunately, I can't find it anywhere anymore. If you'd like to chat or plot (yes!) you can find me on AIM with the sn, dear backstabber, but you could also send me an e-mail at slowlynow@gmail.com.

I am happily bringing Calliope Proudfoot to the game. She was born in 1956, on November 12th. So, she was almost twelve when she finally got accepted into Hogwarts. The Sorting Hat thought the house of courage suited her best, so she's a Gryffindor Alumnus, as she graduated in 1975.

Some (random) facts:
i. She's an Auror and her allegiance lies with the Ministry, even though she thinks they should "diaf" from time to time.
ii. She's a sweet woman, but can hold her own. A "tough cookie", you could say.
iii. In her spare time, she likes to bake. Now, I'm not saying she's that good at it, but she can make some pretty nice chocolate chip cookies. Just don't eat anything what she attempts to cook.
iv. She's a terrible drunk. So instead, she likes to hang in front of the television.
v. She loves everyone! Okay, no, she doesn't, but if you're her friend, she'll put you in her pocket and treasure you always.

You can read more about her here.

I welcome all plotting, storylines, whatever you can come up with! And I love to chat, so if you ever feel like IMing me, go for it.