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About this journal
IJ_siteschemes is where everyone involved in designing site schemes for IJ can exchange notes, documents and ideas. Membership is currently moderated, so please leave a comment for branchandroot if you'd like to join in.

September 2015
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Branch [userpic]
Update: css all found, I hope

All right, I think I have found all the pages with their own style sheets, and transferred them into the primary sheet so developers of new schemes will have it all in one place. I have altered a few classes in the style sheet, so there are no conflicting names, and added a clearing element to the footer.

I have also packaged up the header/menu and the footer as includes, for ease of further editing, and there are some new test pages up. Note that these are .shtml files.

Home, sidebar version
Home, dropdown version

The next batch are pretty much all the heavily styled pages. All of the below are in sidebar configuration, and some of them are just as squashed up, on a small screen, as I was afraid they'd be. I see no good way around it, given that all this content has to fit in somehow, and at the moment it's stuck in tables. I guess we can see what the beta-testers think, and then, if necessary, re-arrange some of the content to be more vertical and less horizontal.

Update (the configuration of this page seems to vary, for reasons I am not wholly clear on)
Edit Profile
Customize: Basics
Account Levels
Support Request Board

The next step is tire-kicking, and, for me, starting on the neutral-colors version while I wait to see whether anyone has more recommendations/bug-finds for this.

Branch [userpic]
Call for help

Okay, folks, here's where I get bogged down in page-specific css and beg for help.

The header/menu/footer is going well and getting debugged thanks to Snakeling's help. But I'm finding that a lot of the site pages have their own little style sheets attached. So I need to look at every single site page to check it for styles, copy the styles and revise them where needed.

Can I get some help looking at pages and copying?

If a few more people could go through the Manage Account pages and Support Area pages, and look at the source code to see if there are any style sheets or in-page styles attached, and make a copy of any that appear, that would really, really help. The sheets default.css and tweak.css do not need to be copied, those are for the old header.

Heck, if you know of anyone who might take a handful of pages to look at, please mention it to them!

I'm going through the Portal and Customize pages, and the various log-in/log-out and posting pages, but this will go a ton faster if I can get a little help checking the less heavily styled areas.

Thanks guys! Comment to this entry about any pages you take to look at so no one doubles up.

Branch [userpic]
Dropdown version

Okay, the dropdown version of the Dramatic scheme is up for testing, if people want to go and kick the tires a bit.

I think the header, menu and footer CSS is done, unless problems show up or Squeaky has something else to add, so if anyone wants to grab a copy of the style sheet and start playing with it, I'd say go ahead. I'll mention any changes that may have to be made.

If you have any divs or ids you want added, this is the time to say so!

Note of interest: there's a bit of Javascript that the dropdown needs anyway that will make :hover work for list items in IE, at least in the menu div. It adds the class sfhover to the li.

I have not yet added all the classes and ids of the actual page content. Hunting all those down is my next job.

Also, blasphemy_blue, if you could look into a header image for this scheme, maybe something in yellow, that you think would go nicely, I was thinking we could try that and see how it looked.

Branch [userpic]
Header height

Okay, I take it back. It looks like the header needs to be 120px high, to be on the safe side and make room for everything.

ETA: No, wait, I take it back again. It just needs to be 111px.

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Branch [userpic]
Welcome schemers

Okay, so this is where we get to toss around ideas and plans for new site schemes. Welcome, everyone, planners and commenters both! If any commenters would like to join in and volunteer time to work on this, please let me know.

Current State of the Scheme: I am working on a CSS framework that can be used to make a lot of different schemes, and will support both sidebar and dropdown options. It will have huge numbers of divs with unique ids and classes, so later designers should have all the parts they need to get just about any effect they want. The sidebar version is pretty complete, and I'm currently testing the dropdown version in different browsers. I think the header, menu and footer CSS can be set by the end of the week, and be ready for new color schemes to be started.

Anyone who wants to take a look at the current development can see my testing page here. Remember, this is a single sample page on a totally different server, so if you click any of the links you'll wind up back on IJ. Comments are welcome; remember, this is the in-development version to test concepts, and bugs may show up and go away without warning. Nothing is finalized yet.

Of course, if anyone spots a layout bug they know how to fix, please let me know!

General background: My thought, here, is to have the header (with menus) and the footer be include files on all the site content pages, so they can be easily edited at need. Personally, I'd like to get the page content re-coded out of tables and into lists and divs, but that isn't absolutely vital right away. I am writing for standards compliance, as much as I can, and for a minimum screen size of 800x600. Maximum, of course, is unlimited.

That's all the basic info I can think of right now. If any visitors have questions, let us know, please.

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