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IJ_siteschemes is where everyone involved in designing site schemes for IJ can exchange notes, documents and ideas. Membership is currently moderated, so please leave a comment for branchandroot if you'd like to join in.

September 2015
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Branch [userpic]
Dropdown version

Okay, the dropdown version of the Dramatic scheme is up for testing, if people want to go and kick the tires a bit.

I think the header, menu and footer CSS is done, unless problems show up or Squeaky has something else to add, so if anyone wants to grab a copy of the style sheet and start playing with it, I'd say go ahead. I'll mention any changes that may have to be made.

If you have any divs or ids you want added, this is the time to say so!

Note of interest: there's a bit of Javascript that the dropdown needs anyway that will make :hover work for list items in IE, at least in the menu div. It adds the class sfhover to the li.

I have not yet added all the classes and ids of the actual page content. Hunting all those down is my next job.

Also, blasphemy_blue, if you could look into a header image for this scheme, maybe something in yellow, that you think would go nicely, I was thinking we could try that and see how it looked.


I'll look at it later today or tomorrow. I think we should go a little softer on the yellows and such...

*nods* Whatever you think will work best.

I just wandered in, but if I may make a couple of remarks :)

  • You've got your H1 inside a A; should be the other way round, as H1 is a block element, and A an inline one.

  • You've got a <script language="JavaScript"> in the HEAD, which should be <script type="text/javascript">

  • <img src="InsaneJournal%20Files/dot.gif" height="5" width="1"> is lacking an ALT attribute (which should be empty).

  • <li><a href="<a href="http://www.insanejournal.com/manage/">Manage Account</a></li>: some copy-pasting went wrong here :)
I'm not personally crazy about the colours, but my design skills suck, and anyway I can always modify them in Stylish :P (BTW, thanks very much for all the IDs. That'll make playing with the design so much easier!)

Argh. Thank you! Dagnabit, I thought I got all the alts added in...

But yes, that was the idea, that anyone who knows css or uses Stylish will be able to make this look any way they want. *grins* I expect I'll ad a few more before I'm all the way done. And when this goes live, I'm hoping to put up some new FAQs to tell people how to paste css into their browser styles so different layouts an be shared.


On Firefox (currently running on Windows XP, though IIRC, I had the same problem in Ubuntu 7.10), the links of the navigation bar don't have a border-bottom. I'd suggest this as a fix, though I warn you, I haven't tested it anywhere :D

#IJ-sitepage-nav { border-bottom: solid 1px #da7125 !important; }
#IJ-sitepage-content { border-top: solid 1px black; }

Okay, give it a look now. If this fix does work, it will make the dropdowns ride up over the bottom of the orange just a smidge more, but it's not terribly noticeable on my browsers.

Looks good in Opera, IE6 and Firefox on Windows XP. Wait a couple of days, and I can test a handful more of browsers on Linux :)

I looked at it at 800x600, and the links in the yellow bar are under the search box. I'd either align them from the right, or simply align them on the left, with a small margin, personally.

*sighs* I was afraid that would happen. Ah, well; I'll try it on the left, then, since the search box is absolutely positioned and I've notice some browsers change the size depending on font size and some don't.

Is there any way to include a link to the actual filter page on the new headers? I know a lot of people use filters not just for posting but for reading, and right now, the only way to get to this page without making a specific link and posting it somewhere on your journal is through a lot of hoops.


Oh, good idea! Yeah, we can put that under the Friends menu.

Dropdowns! Awesome! *insert squee here*

Is it possible to get the "Site" menu up on the same line with the other ones so it doesn't look so orphaned? (using Firefox 2.0.011 on a PC, for reference)

Lovely; glad you like how it's going!

*facepalm* I need to put up the links to the new versions. The latest is here (http://www.alltrees.org/IJ/IJ-althome-dropdown.shtml) and that should have fixed the problem. Let me know if it's still pushing Site down a line.