.:.:::...:::. ..:: .:::::.

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IJ_siteschemes is where everyone involved in designing site schemes for IJ can exchange notes, documents and ideas. Membership is currently moderated, so please leave a comment for branchandroot if you'd like to join in.

September 2015
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Branch [userpic]
Worksafe colorscheme up

Okay, the neutral-colors version of the scheme is up. Everyone go take a look and tell me what you think; especially let me know if anything seems to be hard to read or not working or any such. (Ignore the .html files, they're obsolete, and click on the .shtml)

If no one has any more bug reports, I think I'm about ready to package all this up and pass it over to Squeaky for coding, and then we'll go live for beta testing!

One thing: does anyone have, or think they can produce, a good version of Tweak as a transparent gif? Alas, there are still enough IE5 users that a png transparency won't do. Shame, they're much better quality. My various efforts in Photoshop have run aground on the basic fact that gifs binary little buggers. My best version so far is still a bit rough at the edge.


*nods* 111px, so Tweak can stay the size he is now.

The transparency looks good; do you think you could smooth the bottom curve a little bit more?

I did up http://www.alltrees.org/IJ/lj-dropdown.html with the rose-elegance style sheet, if you want to take a look at it live. Very pretty background!

Alrighty. ♥

I'll see what I can do. *goes to look at it*

It doesn't show up, for some reason. *kicks browser*


There's the new tweak for you. <3 I'll hack up that css a bit more and make it look better. ♥


There's a bit of an update on the victorian rose. I'm trying something with the tiny user image, so hopefully it'll work. If not, perhaps we could put a value in for the little images beside usernames and communities? It would make color coordination much easier.


*blinks* It, um, ate the page? The code is still there and all, my browser just isn't showing anything.

I /have/ been wondering what to do about those icons, though. Since this is all via a template, it shouldn't be hard to make those a variable. Then different images could be called by different schemes. *makes a note to add that to the list for Squeaky*

Hm... Let me edit it, and then it'll be at the same link. XD;

There. Problem codes out. ♥ I'll work on it more tomorrow.

On LJ they're controlled by [ .ljuser img ], so perhaps something similar would work?

*nods* I'll make sure there's a useful class around them, that can be re-styled. I think that being able to include totally different icons would be neat, too, though, so I'll ask about that option as well.

For the one scheme with the art deco background in the header (top of page), you can't read anything like the username or whatnot - maybe make it like a water-mark instead?