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IJ_siteschemes is where everyone involved in designing site schemes for IJ can exchange notes, documents and ideas. Membership is currently moderated, so please leave a comment for branchandroot if you'd like to join in.

September 2015
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Branch [userpic]
Worksafe colorscheme up

Okay, the neutral-colors version of the scheme is up. Everyone go take a look and tell me what you think; especially let me know if anything seems to be hard to read or not working or any such. (Ignore the .html files, they're obsolete, and click on the .shtml)

If no one has any more bug reports, I think I'm about ready to package all this up and pass it over to Squeaky for coding, and then we'll go live for beta testing!

One thing: does anyone have, or think they can produce, a good version of Tweak as a transparent gif? Alas, there are still enough IE5 users that a png transparency won't do. Shame, they're much better quality. My various efforts in Photoshop have run aground on the basic fact that gifs binary little buggers. My best version so far is still a bit rough at the edge.


I can make a transparent tweak, with a bit of feathering. Ever get the final height of the header gradient finalized for me?


Hacked up a bit of feminine elegance for the main page because I'm terribly bored. I'd love to see a preview so I can fix it up more, but I don't have the resources to do so on my own.

As for transparent Tweak...


*nods* 111px, so Tweak can stay the size he is now.

The transparency looks good; do you think you could smooth the bottom curve a little bit more?

I did up http://www.alltrees.org/IJ/lj-dropdown.html with the rose-elegance style sheet, if you want to take a look at it live. Very pretty background!

Alrighty. ♥

I'll see what I can do. *goes to look at it*

It doesn't show up, for some reason. *kicks browser*


There's the new tweak for you. <3 I'll hack up that css a bit more and make it look better. ♥


There's a bit of an update on the victorian rose. I'm trying something with the tiny user image, so hopefully it'll work. If not, perhaps we could put a value in for the little images beside usernames and communities? It would make color coordination much easier.


*blinks* It, um, ate the page? The code is still there and all, my browser just isn't showing anything.

I /have/ been wondering what to do about those icons, though. Since this is all via a template, it shouldn't be hard to make those a variable. Then different images could be called by different schemes. *makes a note to add that to the list for Squeaky*

Hm... Let me edit it, and then it'll be at the same link. XD;

There. Problem codes out. ♥ I'll work on it more tomorrow.

On LJ they're controlled by [ .ljuser img ], so perhaps something similar would work?

*nods* I'll make sure there's a useful class around them, that can be re-styled. I think that being able to include totally different icons would be neat, too, though, so I'll ask about that option as well.

For the one scheme with the art deco background in the header (top of page), you can't read anything like the username or whatnot - maybe make it like a water-mark instead?

I hope it is okay I just barge in to throw my opinion at you here. If not, my sincerest apologies beforehand. ;)

I just looked through the various pages. It looks really good, the colours are very pleasant for the eye, not too much contrast, and it is easy to find one's way around the links. Great that you have the FAQ in the drop down now.

The only negative thing I have to say is about this one:


It still has a bit of orange left, but the main problem is that the font in comments seems a bit too big. I hope there will be a Verdana version later, Arial(?) is not that pleasant to read, and exactly that point, together with the font size, would keep me from using this very nice design and stick to my GreaseMonkey. That is, of course a personal opinion, I am sure many will find it pleasant, with the larger font.

Please do jump in!

Yeah, I didn't completely convert the comments page; just enough to see my two different colors on the first few.

*tinkers in the Verdana font* Yeah, sure. Looks just as good, proportionally, and I've seen a few other comments preferring it.

I've left all the major content un-sized, so it will take on whatever default font size you have set in your browser. Do you like the comments to have smaller font than the entry? I'll make sure to add a div or two around the site-style comments so that can be done easily. *grins* You won't need GreaseMonkey to re-style the new site scheme; just your browser styles alone should do it. That's why I crammed in so many classes and ids. I'm hoping to get a few FAQs done, about how to change the most basic stuff like menu colors and font sizes, while Squeaky codes all this into bml.

Thank you, I will, then.

I think it is fine when both entry and comments (and preferably links in comment bars as well) are the same, lj/gj-style. *clings to verdana*

My comments - I'll be honest and say what I really want is Lynx with a couple more links, so this looks almost as busy to me as the old schemes :oP ! Still, I really appreciate IJ listening to its users and creating a more neutral scheme.

Okay, the neutral-colors version of the scheme is up
No interest in/plans to make an even more colourless version? A simple black/white/grey? Or is it assumed/known majority want some colours?

Drop-down version: would you consider modelling the drop-down menus like LJ's XColibur - i.e. the submenu listed horizontally, so as not to cover content below? (Know what I mean?) Maybe at least poll to see what the majority interest is?

Also drop-down version: # My IJ # Post # Friends # Site Map - these are superfluous, as contained in the other menus, no? (Except for My IJ, but if people are using that link, maybe could be moved down in front of View - would save an entire line :o) !)

P.S. Is the plan that this will be the default sitescheme? I understand if [info]squeaky doesn't want to be pressured into changing things too much around here, but as far as first-time visitors go, a more neutral scheme may be more welcoming/less off-putting.

*makes notes* I have been planning on doing a plain-text version; I'll roll my first go at that up with this idea. I /think/ I know how to do those old-style horizontal dropdowns with css; I'll experiment with it and see what I can come up with.

*grins* And yes, the three menus are redundant in places. That was on purpose. I believe in giving people as many variations as possible on how to get to important or high-traffic parts of the site.

I don't know what the default will turn out to be. I believe Squeaky plans to put up a poll for all users, once they've both gone live and people have had a chance to look at them.

Looking forward to seeing the plain-text version!

Is it not taxing for the site to have this many siteschemes in use? I'm surprised at how many there already are (especially because a handfull of them really seem different only in the css).

Well, that's the trick, really, to only have the css be different. If it's all on one code-base, then there's only one additional function call that needs to be made: to the stylesheet. And that's pretty light-weight. As long as the basic template is designed to accommodate a growing list of possible sheets, we can keep adding new css-based schemes until the cows come home.

Just wanted to echo Skuf -- I'd like a colorless version, too. Currently I use Lynx, and a more functional version of that would be perfect!

*nods* I'll work on that next, then.

These remind me of early LJ and GJ and I love them. Sometimes simplicity is the best way to go.

I love the neutral color version, the pink not so much, but as long as we have a plain version, I'll love it.

Excellent! The plan so far is to accumulate schemes as we go without sacrificing anything anyone is using, so all three and more should be available.

For the one scheme with the art deco background in the header (top of page), you can't read anything like the username or whatnot - maybe make it like a water-mark instead?

[info]blasphemy_blue is working on that one; you should reply to one of her comments to offer suggestions.

I'd really love to see a simple scheme available in many colors to suit everyone's interests. A long time ago, we had a black adn lime green (personally, I love these two colors together), but we went to an orange and gray theme. We could even use our current them and just make a few color scheme changes. Sometimes simple works?

That... is not really simple. As the current theme is set up, no one can change anything without changing some templates buried in the guts of the site, and no one change is going to make everyone happy. That's why I'm putting this much work into re-framing the menus--so that there will be easier ways for people to apply their own colors and styles to the site code once I'm done. I'm producing complicated so other users can have simple--it's a bit counter-intuitive, I know.

The notion of a bunch of different unified color schemes is one [info]blasphemy_blue suggested early on, and once the basic code is done we'll be working on those. I'd actually quite like to have some kind of interface that users could use to choose different colors for the menus and links, but that would require a lot of additional programming, so it will have to wait, too.

Of course, if you know of anyone with Javascript and/or Perl knowledge who might like to pitch in and help, please point them this way!

I understand - I'm sure [info]squeaky appreciates all that you guys do. If you need any graphics or whatever, let me know! :)


Thanks! And if you come up with anything you think would be spiffy, let us know. ^_^

What I like is that there's a link to the site map right up at the top. :D

*pleased* Good! I'm hoping people will like the expanded menus; I tried to include a link to just about everyplace in there somewhere.

Just want to say I love the neutral colours. I know it seems similar to one lj had, but it doesn't send me screaming for the hills and I think it's because the drop-down menus are simple.

The drop down on Lj used to slide to the side or something to avoid covering up words and that just totally confused and messed with me and made me stick with dystopian until the day I left.

I was happily surprised to realize that the nav-bar neutral didn't feel as intuitive.

Good! I did get a request for that sideways drop-down on another style, but most of them will be upright. We'll have something for everyone by the time we're done!

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