September 20th, 2009

[info]antoninus in [info]icfml

On Thursday night, Rabastan Lestrange managed to get through the wards at my parents' flat and murdered my mother in our home; she was trying to call me on the telephone as it happened, but out of childish spite, I refused to answer it, and if I had, she might be alive still right now. The next morning, I stupidly threatened to kill Orson Mulciber, who is his nephew, and possibly disembowel his mother, and he announced to everybody on the journals that I was a murderer myself, having killed his father at the Battle of Hogwarts. Then on Friday, Fenrir Greyback sent me a death threat, and it was not even a photograph of the correct house; he also owled my younger sister a 'present' of a decapitated bird. The only good thing to have happened so far is that nobody has called me 'Cyclopstein' again -- yet. And I had been looking forward to a clean start to a new year this weekend because it's Rosh Hashanah.