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Chaos Theory

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[Oct. 7th, 2008|12:12 am]

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Who: Theodore Altman & Anna Marie D'Ancanto
NPCs: ---
When: 7th October, 2008
Where: Salem Academy: Computer Lab
What: Falling off chairs and finding pencils.
Rating: G

His mind kept drifting to food, to that awesome Jet Li movie he had saw last night, and anything that had absolutely nothing to do with his assignment. )
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[Oct. 6th, 2008|06:23 pm]
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Who: Billy & Ali
NPCs: None
When: Monday Oct 6
Where: Kitchen
What: Hunger strikes!
Rating: PG

Nope, just rice. )
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[Oct. 5th, 2008|05:46 pm]
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Who: Bobby and Ali
NPCs: None that I know of.
When: Sunday, October 4th 3:30pm
Where: HELL! Okay, fine, the math classroom
What: Tutoring session
Rating: PG

One plus one me get back to you. )
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[Oct. 4th, 2008|06:21 pm]
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Who: Julian & Alison
NPCs: N/A (well mention of raccoons -- so theoretical NPC raccoons)
When: October 4th, Saturday Afternoon
Where: Main Building of the school
What: Julian is wandering the halls, looking for a supply closet
Rating: G

He was top of the food chain here )
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[Oct. 3rd, 2008|09:11 pm]
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Who: Scott and Jean
NPCs: None so far
When: Friday, October 3, 3pm
Where: Front Hall
What: Meet and Greet
Rating: PG so far

Read more... )

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Stepfords and John and ??? [Oct. 3rd, 2008|04:57 pm]
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Who: Two Stepford clones! Sophie and Esme and John and OPEN
When: Friday afternoon
Where:Outside. the area between the boathouse and the main building
What: The clones complain
Rating:PG-13? Esme has a mouth on her

But guess what? We're doing fine. )

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Morrigan [Oct. 3rd, 2008|03:20 pm]


Who: Theresa Cassidy
NPCs: A bulletin board in the front hall.
When: October 3rd 2008
Where: New York, The Salem Academy
What: The ever growing list of things Theresa Cassidy is not allowed to do. Originally started in 2006, it has grown considerably since then, and has been added to with staples, glue, tape, and some unidentifiable substance.
Rating: PG 13

I am not allowed to do that thing with the lollipop in public ever again. )
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