July 10th, 2009


[No Subject]


October 28th, 2001 - Day Two


Anthony Goldstein will arrive promptly at 8am, on October 28th, 2001. I will begin his arrival thread and if anyone wants to hop in, go ahead and welcome him!


Weather Forecast

During the day, 67° and sunny and mild. High 70°. Low 60°. At night, 52° and clear with some strong gusts of wind.

Sunrise: 6:22am
Sunset: 7:56pm


Therapist Appointments:
Arcturus Prewett - 8:30am
Harry Potter - 10:00am
Zacharias Smith - 11:30am
Draco Malfoy - 2:30pm
Morag MacDougal - 4:00pm
Visitor Appointments: None


Friend Add/Other Updates

Please update your friends list(s) HERE; there should currently be 19 on your list. They will be staying in their ASSIGNED ROOMS. Also, check the contact list HERE and get the new people's AIM names! Go make friends!


Curfew is strictly enforced at 10pm, the doors and windows leading outside will magically close and lock, allowing no one in or out. At promptly 11pm, all doors to the patients rooms will magically close and lock, allowing no one in or out.

Upon arrival, all patients will be taken into the Processing Center on the first floor to fill out their Entrance Sheets (that bottom part of the application you filled out) and at that time will be fitted with a silver chain bracelet, with a name plate on it. The name plate will be inscribed with the patient's name and room number, and the bracelet will be magically reinforced so it cannot be broken, nor will it be able to be removed from the patient's hand, short of removing the hand at the wrist. This bracelet will keep the wearer from being able to do any magic at all.

There is a barrier that surrounds the Sanctuary that keeps the patients from being able to go past a certain point. This point is defined by a lovely waist-high white picket fence. The fence is three hundred feet from the front of the building, three hundred feet from the sides of the building, and extends out to six hundred feet at the back of the building, to accommodate the large, plush garden there.

New Patient Arrival - Day Two

Who:  Anthony Goldstein (also [OPEN])
When:   8am, October 28th, Day Two
Where:  Outside the Processing Center
What:  New Patient Arrival
Rating:  PG-13 (to be safe)
Status:  Active


[No Subject]

WHO: Lisa Turpin, Morrissey (the Pitt puppy), and Anthony Goldstein
WHEN: Three PM, Day 2
WHERE: Outside
WHAT?: Shouldn't be too high!
WHY?: She turned me into a NEWT! I don't forsee it going above PG13
STATUS: Incomplete

i know i'm unloveable. you don't have to tell me. )

[No Subject]

Who: Draco Malfoy and Emory Harper.
When: Day 2. October 28. 9am.
Where: Kitchen.
What: Breakfast. Well, breakfast for Emory. Tea for Draco.
Rating: G.
Status: Complete.

An apple a day... does not a very good breakfast make. )

[No Subject]

Who: Emory Harper and Theodore Nott.
When: Day 2. October 28. 11am.
Where: Theodore's Room.
What: Emory comes bearing drawings.
Rating: PG13 for language.
Status: Complete.

Bearing gifts of the paper and ink kind )

[No Subject]

Who: Arcturus Prewett and Kelly Travers.
When: Eight-thirty ish AM.
Where: Kelly Travers' office.
What: Arcturus goes in for his appointment. Late.
Rating: PG-13 to be safe.
Status: Incomplete.

To knock, or not to knock? )