June 11th, 2009

[info]aedelwulf in [info]hydepark_ooc

Hi All!

Hello Everyone!

I'm Jon and I play Isiah Fernsúlfer on [info]hydepark_corner. He's the head of the werewolf faction's primary family, which makes him the werewolf equivalent of a lord, and in regards to the other werewolves living secretly in London, what he says goes. Well, it's supposed to. In his younger days he was known for his violence and temper, and its because of his deliberate actions that he became head of the werewolves, having seen off or killed his brothers and half-brothers in the process. Under his father's rule the werewolves had become animalistic and brutish, living as wolves more than taking human form, and Isiah has made some movements away from that.

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Any questions you would like to ask about Isiah please go ahead, and you can contact me via the information on this insanejournal post.I have another two characters in game, waiting in the wings, and will be introducing them over the next couple of days.

[info]justjulia in [info]hydepark_ooc

Hello there

Hola! Ciao!  Haai!  Um, that is about the extent of any other languages I may know.  Actually, I know more for hello and whatnot but we just won't go there. 

To introduce myself, hmm.  My name is Mindy, I've been role-playing for roughly for about eight months now.  I am in another game that I'm active in, but believe me I won't neglect so no need to worry.  I'm new to the InsaneJournal role-playing, so please be paitient with me as I try and figure this all out.  I do know it's a lot like LiveJournal, but there are a few oddities that I'm sure I'll have to acquaint myself with.  I'm sure I'll catch on quick. 

I play Julia Fernsúlfer.  Her father, Isiah Fernsúlfer, is head werewolf-the man in charge.  He was also born werewolf.  Her mother (whom I don't think has a name yet) was born human and was changed into a werewolf, thus making Julia and her two brothers a delicate mixture of werewolf and human.   Julia is stubborn, strong willed, feisty, and sure to have a temper, as well as being a proper lady.  Unlike her two brothers, she has embraced both sides of her heritage, bringing them together so she can fit into both worlds easily.  One brother it seems as embraced the more human side of himself as the other has embraced the werewolf side. 

She disagrees with her father on a regular basis, and the one thing she will be in total disagreement is him picking out her suitor for her to marry.  Understanding that her father will do this only to make a stronger alliance, she will not be keen on not having a choice of her own.  I also see her as possibly falling into a romance with someone who is not the suitor her father picks out. 

And there you go.  It's not much to go on, but it should help a little bit.  If you have any questions, feel free to post here or email me on my journal.  :) 

Oh, I almost forgot.  I have AIM if you would like to talk to me there.  My screen name is mumblingmayhem

Edit: I am also in the states and run on Central Time

[info]beautiful_dead in [info]hydepark_ooc

Hi, I’m Roz and this is the first of four characters I’ll be introducing into the game. Mariella Rumianova is a vampire and the head of the most influential family of vampires with a seat on the Council. Turned nearly 200 years ago by her close friend Camilla, Mariella is something of an ice queen. Although she enjoys collecting beautiful boys and girls to make her family she quickly tires of them, always on the lookout for the next one to turn.

Mariella does not have much time for the other undead on the council, especially the werewolves whom she finds too passionate for her tastes. She is slightly less dismissive of humans but only because they provided her with a food source. In light of the recent attacks she has been trying to strengthen her position on the council and forge a more lasting alliance with key families, ensuring that should something happen it would be the werewolves who were turned against and not her or her ‘children’.

Edit to say: I forgot to talk about storylines.

Mariella is always on the lookout for new servants who she and her family can feast off, in exchange for payment and the possibility of becoming a vampire themselves later. As it is Mariella feeds once a week and prefers to keep a special, singular servant for herself. So there’s lot of possible plotlines there with someone gaining employment, discovering the fact that they’re vampires or being sent knowingly and hoping to make a deal for eternal life.

She also could very easily decide that someone of any class was pretty enough to join her family and begin stalking them or trying to tempt them to join her. This person could be male or female.

July 2009

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