June 12th, 2009

[info]aedelwulf in [info]hydepark_ooc

Opening Mixer!

For Your Attention:

The Opening Mixer will not take place until 19th June 2009, to allow for those who have not yet had time to apply to do so, as we have had a lot of interest from those who would not be able to join before the weekend and need extra time on their applications.

Thank you all for your patience, and if you really are itching to play, you may of course post on your own journals and play out character interactions there.
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[info]plaguedbyvoices in [info]hydepark_ooc


Jon again, with a new character I would like to introduce you all to. Yes, I know I'm greedy...

Lord George Edgar, named after his father, is a politician. He was destined to be as soon as his father died, but he did not ever expect that the man would one day be gone. Looking back now, he supposes his father never will truly go.

Any questions? I would be happy to discuss plot points or relationships with anyone who is interested in having any shared storylines.

[info]bad_visions in [info]hydepark_ooc

Second character for Roz here, Adith James Lloyd.

Adith is twenty-one years old and the only surviving member of his family. Although he would appear to be perfectly normal and mundane Adith has, since the death of his parents and his own near-death experience, been able to see traumatic visions of the future. However, his visions are often incomplete or untrue and he finds it hard to know which are real or not.

While his guardian was alive Adith was kept inside and subjected to any number of tests or treatments to determine his sanity and even now Adith is not sure if everything isn’t really inside his head. Since his guardian's death Adith has neglected himself and his family’s home, devoting every waking hour to find the people he sees in his visions and saving them from their fates which he believes is the purpose of his visions. As you can imagine all of this pressure and constant closeness to death has left him high-strung and fragile. He doesn’t make connections to people easily. Currently he is unaware of the undead, believing that they are part of the falsehoods his visions sometimes throw up.

There are a few ideas I had for Adith that will become apparent when the game opens, and I would certainly be open to creating a screened post where people could suggest things they’d like for him to see that could further facilitate plotlines.

[info]ex_valiant300 in [info]hydepark_ooc

Hi everybody! I'm Clare and I have just joined with Valerie Kearney here. She is a midwife/abortionist and a witch. She found out about the supernatural world when she helped out a werewolf woman who had an unwanted baby. More in-depth information is in her journal. As for storylines, I would of course love for her to have interactions with all kinds of women who may need baby help, not-baby help, or just woman-parts type help. I'm also hoping for a romantic storyline and something with a coven, if there is a coven. Any other witches in the game yet?

July 2009

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