Feb. 28th, 2012


[S. Winchester, Castiel, J. Harvelle][Ben Braeden][Public]

[Text to Ben]

I spoke to my dad. We're doing everything we can to find your mom. [...] How are you holding up?

[Group Message between D. Winchester, S. Winchester, Castiel, J. Harvelle]

Something is going to go down at this party.


Looks like it's time to find my dancing shoes.

Feb. 20th, 2012


[Irene has seen the public texts and messages over the last few days, and as such refrained from messaging anyone upon seeing the all-too-familiar blonde vampire's face. Once the IT consultant posts that security has been restored, she makes the necessary changes to her account and immediately contacts the usual suspects plus one.]

[ Text to Sherlock ]

Did you see the video feed?

[ Text to Crowley ]

That hacker's webcam stunt exposed a group of vampires. I recognize one.

[ Locked to Castiel from La Femme ]

Castiel? I've seen this name on the forums before, I'm hoping that it's you. This is Irene Adler.

Jan. 20th, 2012



If your roommate constantly has terrible music playing in the apartment, does that give you a right to shoot him in the leg?

Oct. 9th, 2011


[Public][Several Private]


What the hell was that??

[Private to Sam]

Tell me you didn't do anything, Sam.

[Private to Claire]

I saw you in the cathedral. You didn't hurt anyone, did you?

[Text to Castiel]

I don't know what to sa You get frisky as a demon Did you mean the things you sai Call me.

Oct. 4th, 2011


[Call to Castiel]

Ring, ring.

Sep. 26th, 2011



[ Public Post ]

I've never seen a city have its own internet before. Is this so the callgirls don't have to stand out in the cold anymore? I wasn't aware we were treating them like people already. Chicago is so much more progressive than the rest of the world, but this better not mean I'm supposed to start tipping. I never bought into that "pimp commission" racket they try to sell you. They're callgirls, not waitresses.