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Gift for chibitoaster: What if someone walks down the corridor? (Gilderoy/Severus) [Feb. 5th, 2009|06:44 pm]
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Mod note: My apologies for forgetting to post this on our IJ!

Title: What if someone walks down the corridor?
Artist: [info]a_belladonna
Recipient: [info]chibitoaster
Rating: R/NC17
Warnings: None, but NWS
Pairing: Gilderoy Lockhart/Severus Snape
Disclaimers: Harry Potter and all characters belong to JKR and Warner Brothers.
Notes: [info]chibitoaster requested, among other things, two willing parties but one can't admit it, sweat, semi-public fsex, wall!blowjobs, rosy cheeks. I hope you'll like this! :D Happy Valentines Day!

What if someone walks down the corridor? )
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