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Gift for acromantular: What Harry Wants... (Harry/Draco) [Feb. 28th, 2009|05:54 pm]
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Title: What Harry Wants (Or The Disastrous Yet Fortunate And Not-So-Accidental Incident)
Artist: [info]plotting_pen
Recipient: [info]acromantular
Rating: Mature
Warnings: mpreg, public humiliation, mild bondage, deceitful partners, implied interspecies sex, and hopefully, crack
Pairing: Harry/Draco, implied Hagrid/Dobby, Blaise, Pansy, Goyle
Disclaimers: Harry Potter is obviously not mine, so, um, don't sue.
Notes: [info]acromantular, I have to admit, when I first got this assignment, I got very nervous because it was very clear that you wanted crack. Well, first of all, I have a very small, if any, inkling of what crack is, and I'm pants at humor. Anyway, I did what I could and came up with this. It was challenging drawing this, but it was unbelievably fun as well. From your requests, I chose Harry/Draco, Dobby/Hagrid (that was a bit icky for me so they're just implied XD), playing with fanon, fake potions, no cursed socks or purple underpants, just cursed underpants, and implied interspecies baby, so I guess that could fall under the made-up magical creature. I took your words to mind and was as squicky/obscene as I could handle. I hope you enjoy this gift! Happy Valentine!

What Harry Wants (Or The Disastrous Yet Fortunate And Not-So-Accidental Incident) )
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Gift for florahart: Complimentary Colors (Charlie/Teddy) [Feb. 26th, 2009|08:28 pm]
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Title: Complimentary Colors
Artist: [info]chibitoaster
Recipient: [info]florahart
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Charlie/Teddy
Medium: Watercolor
Warnings: none, unless you count Gay sex.
Disclaimer: This is my interpretation of characters that I do not own. I'm not making any money off of this endeavor, and it's done for the one reason: to make someone feel good!
Notes: This one was a quickie in a pinch. So, I figured I'd have the boys get down for a Quickie in a Pinch. Yeah, they're older. I thought you might like them closer to your age. ^_^ Enjoy, sweetie!

Complimentary Colors )
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Gift for a_belladonna: Shameless (Severus/Remus) [Feb. 22nd, 2009|07:40 pm]
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Title: Shameless
Artist: [info]rosivan
Recipient: [info]a_belladonna
Rating: Hard R, NWS
Warnings: Masturbation
Pairing: Severus/Remus (Snupin)
Disclaimers: I'm just borrowing the lads - they actually belong to JK Rowling. No infringement intended.
Notes: This is the first multi-image piece that I've attempted, so forgive my clumsy use of frames... I hope this is easy enough to follow, as I completely avoided the use of text. ♥ This was really fun to draw, though, and I hope you like it. There should be 7 pages~

Shameless )
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Gift for heather11483: Like Flesh and Blood (or A Very Special Friendship) (Harry/Ron, Trio) [Feb. 15th, 2009|06:13 pm]
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Title: Like Flesh and Blood (or A Very Special Friendship)
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Threesome.
Pairing: Harry/Ron (implied), Hermione/Harry/Ron
Disclaimers: I don't own Harry Potter. Obviously.
Notes: I am really not sure about this one but I truly hope you like it. ♥ :)

Like Flesh and Blood (or A Very Special Friendship) )
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Gift for sweet_lemmon: Nature's Call (Remus/Severus) [Feb. 7th, 2009|05:07 pm]
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Title: Nature's Call
Artist: [info]sugareey
Recipient: [info]sweet_lemmon
Rating: R
Warnings: Lots of skin, no bits, but a really pale arse.
Pairing: Remus/Severus
Disclaimers: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: M'dear, I tried very hard to get in as much prompts as I could but these men laughed at me. They wanted nothing else but to stay put in bed. Oh well, maybe next time. This is also my first attempt in this pair, so I hope I did you some justice. There is some romance and roughness as you requested. Men will be men. Enjoy!

Nature's Call )
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Gift for chibitoaster: What if someone walks down the corridor? (Gilderoy/Severus) [Feb. 5th, 2009|06:44 pm]
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Mod note: My apologies for forgetting to post this on our IJ!

Title: What if someone walks down the corridor?
Artist: [info]a_belladonna
Recipient: [info]chibitoaster
Rating: R/NC17
Warnings: None, but NWS
Pairing: Gilderoy Lockhart/Severus Snape
Disclaimers: Harry Potter and all characters belong to JKR and Warner Brothers.
Notes: [info]chibitoaster requested, among other things, two willing parties but one can't admit it, sweat, semi-public fsex, wall!blowjobs, rosy cheeks. I hope you'll like this! :D Happy Valentines Day!

What if someone walks down the corridor? )
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