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Harry Potter Roleplay Ads

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[26 Aug 2008|05:47pm]

Just For Kicks is a trio-era, Hogwarts based RPG that is - you guessed it! - Just For Kicks. It's all about putting the 'play' back into role-paying and having a good time. We are looking to add the following to our cast:

Slytherins! Cunning, ambitious, sly - you get the picture!
Roonil Wazlib.
Soon to be Seventh years - like Cho Chang, Marietta Edgecombe & Cormac McLaggen to name a few!
Some kid named Harry Potter.

Really, though, anybody on our available list would be welcome!

Character List Taken PBs Rules
Application More Info

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[26 Aug 2008|11:37pm]

= "The search for the truth"
Opened JUNE 9TH 2008

Backstory/ Plot / Rules / Application / Character List

Veritas is a post-hogwarts slightly AU (For book 7) RPG taking place in the year 2003.

In a post-war world, everything consists of layers. A muggleborn charity known as Wizards for Muggles is actually a front for am ominous agenda: A Pureblood dilution scheme. Halfbloods and muggleborns have been recruited to woo certain purebloods. What happens when actual feelings become involved? Nothing is ever black or white, not even the new deatheater movement known as The Renegades with Rodolphus Lestrange as their new dark lord....

Currently, a scheme by the Squib Intergrations Foundation to cause witches to lose their magic has just been wrapped up...but on the horizon a new event awaits: A strange plant ....and a strange side-effect....

Veritas is looking for:



For all the above, canonly associated characters are already in play!
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[ viewing | August 26th, 2008 ]
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