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Harry Potter Roleplay Ads

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[16 Aug 2008|06:31pm]
Here's a list of the characters I have where they are and who's wanted for sls. I'm looking for homes for the people in my icons. My rules and aim can be found here.
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[16 Aug 2008|11:50pm]

= "The search for the truth"
Opened JUNE 9TH 2008

Backstory/ Plot / Rules / Application / Character List

Veritas is a post-hogwarts slightly AU (For book 7) RPG taking place in the year 2003.

In a post-war world, everything consists of layers. A muggleborn charity known as Wizards for Muggles is actually a front for am ominous agenda: A Pureblood dilution scheme. Halfbloods and muggleborns have been recruited to woo certain purebloods. What happens when actual feelings become involved? Nothing is ever black or white, and that's just the beginning of the story that we've begun to weave.

Currently, a scheme by the Squib Intergration Foundation to cause witches to lose their magic has just been wrapped up...but on the horizon a new event awaits: A strange plant ....and a strange side-effect....

Veritas is looking for:


For all the above, canonly associated characters are already in play!

And if you're interested in some creative plots:

BLAISE ZABINI: His former housemate has married his mother while Blaise has been travelling for the last few years. And now the two of them are both caught in a war to kill off the other first. Blaise, we need you!

HARRY POTTER: Our Padma Patil wouldn't mind trying an non-canon ship with the boy-who-lived! Anyone interested in this rare-pair should come on down! Even if you aren't, come take a look - it's by no means a necessity!
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[ viewing | August 16th, 2008 ]
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