HP Wankfest 2011


May 27th, 2011

wanking_mods @ 12:00 pm: Art: Gellert Grindelwald in a Secret Passage with an Invisibility Cloak
Title: Caught!
Artist: [info]venturous
Character: Gellert Grindelwald
Location: Secret Passageway
Prop: Invisibilty Cloak
Other Characters: -
Rating: R
Warnings: nudity, implied wanking, a bit of peen
Art Details: photoshop
Disclaimer: this is a transformative work of fan appreciation.
Artist's Notes: Gellert really does want to get caught in the hidden passageway behind Albus' rooms.
Art Preview:

Caught! [NWS Art] )

wanking_mods @ 12:30 pm: Complete Roundup
All right! HP Wankfest 2011 is now officially all out of spunk. It's blown its last load. It's completely spent. It couldn't possibly go any longer.

Below the cut is a complete list of everything that's been posted. Once again, voting will open on Monday, so you'll want to do some catching up between now and then. And if you see/read something you like, please remember to give the artist/author some love!

HP Wankfest 2011 Complete Roundup )

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