HP Wankfest 2011


May 9th, 2011

wanking_mods @ 12:00 pm: Fic: Hermione Granger in a Magical Tent with Slytherin's Locket
Title: Time Takes It All
Author: [info]roozetter
Character: Hermione
Location: tent/magical
Prop: Slytherin’s locket
Other Characters: Harry, Ron
Rating: Hard R
Warnings: Female masturbation
Word Count: 4,238
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Notes: Title taken from the quote: “Time takes it all whether you want it or not, time takes it all. Time bares it away, and in the end there is only darkness. Sometimes we find others in that darkness, and sometimes we lose them there again,” by Stephen King. Much love to my beta’s, F and D, for putting up with my incessant whining and fickle muse.

Time Takes It All )

wanking_mods @ 12:00 pm: Art: Harry Potter in the Prefect's Bath with a Potions Flask
Title: Sunday Nights Reserved for Staff Only
Artist: [info]veridari
Character: Harry Potter
Location: Prefect's bath, Hogwarts
Prop: Potions flask/vial/test tube
Other Characters: Severus Snape
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None
Art Details: Photoshop, graphic tablet
Disclaimer: If these characters were mine, my bank account would be fatter. Alas, they aren't. I just play with them. [Characters depicted are definitely over the age of 18.]
Artist's Notes: Professor Potter and Headmaster Snape have a standing date every Sunday night. *g* I used the description of the bath as described in canon, (not the movie version) which is a room done entirely in marble. The mermaid is a painting, and not a stained glass window. Thanks, R, for the last minute check!
Art Preview:

Sunday Nights Reserved for Staff Only [NWS Art] )

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