HP Wankfest 2011


May 18th, 2008

wanking_mods @ 12:00 am: Antonin Dolohov in the DADA Classroom with an Enchanted Mirror
Title: Painting
Author: [info]ceria
Character: Antonin Dolohov
Location: DADA room
Object: enchanted mirror
Other Characters: Various members of the OotP, implied chan
Rating: R
Warnings: thoughts about murder
Word Count: 640ish
Disclaimer: JRK owns them and makes all the profit, not me.
Author's Notes: Thank you for betas.

Painting )

wanking_mods @ 10:36 am: Percy Weasley in the Brain Room with Gloves
Title: Not Your Ordinary Pair
Author: [info]gryffindorj & [info]torino10154
Character: Percy Ignatius Weasley
Location: The Brain Room
Object: Gloves
Other Characters: Kingsley with references to others
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1934
Warnings: Misuse of Muggle artifacts
Disclaimer: Percy, Kingsley, or anything you recognize belongs to JKR.
Author's Notes: Thank you to the lovely B for the beta.

Not Your Ordinary Pair )

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