HP Wankfest 2011


May 19th, 2008

wanking_mods @ 12:00 am: Nymphadora Tonks on the Knight Bus with a Crystal Ball
Title: After Work
Artist: [info]ghot
Character: Nymphadora Tonks
Location: Knight Bus
Object: crystal ball
Rating: Nc17
Art Details: Media was watercolor and a bit of Corel Painter

After Work (NWS art!) )

wanking_mods @ 12:00 pm: Charlie Weasley in the Shrieking Shack with Padfoot's Collar
Title: An Unexpected Sort of Scavenger Hunt
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Character: Charlie Weasley
Location: Shrieking Shack
Object: Padfoot's collar
Other Characters: Remus/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Insinuations of BDSM, but nothing too hardcore. References to canon character deaths.
Word Count: ~4,700
Summary: Charlie Weasley was only supposed to check the Shack for valuables before demolition. He wasn't meant to find the collar hidden away in the upstairs bedroom. Well, he really wasn't meant to find the magazines or the photos, but also, yes, the collar.
Author's Notes: Thank you, anon beta!

An Unexpected Sort of Scavenger Hunt )

wanking_mods @ 03:47 pm: Halfway There!
Hey guys!

Today marks the Wankfest half-way point (remember, we decided to continue it a few days into June so we could space things out) and we hope everyone is as pleased with the quality of the fic and the art as we are, because frankly, your humble mods are pretty much blown away. There is a lot more wanktastic stuff to post, so there’s much more to enjoy, and still time to pimp the fest whenever and wherever you want.

Many of you have been commenting regularly, and we want to say a big THANK YOU to those thoughtful folks. Please keep it up! If you’re a writer or artist, you know how much it means to get even a bit of recognition, so even one-sentence of feedback, like “Great fic!” or “Really hot!” or “a;ldkg;khagha;j” is much appreciated.

We've been incredibly pleased with the response to the fest so far. Lots of entries have been mentioned in the [info]quibbler_report, several have been Editor's Pick on [info]potter_prophet, and at least one was a Hot Rec on the [info]daily_snitch. Entries qualify for a Hot Rec at the Snitch if they are rec’d three times, so many thanks to those who are rec’ing Wankfest entries, and keep it up. In fact, if you do rec fics and art from Wankfest, drop us a note with a link to your rec and if we get three of the same, we’ll make sure it gets sent to the Daily Snitch.

We know it’s been difficult to keep up with all the fests going on right now, but we here at hp_wankfest are committed to making things just as pig-simple as possible. So, beneath the cut you'll find a list of all the fic and art that's been posted so far. This should enable you all to quickly get caught up on anything you might have missed and come back excited for the second half.

Click for List )

Your mods also have a small request: if any of you artistic and tech-savvy types would like to help us with some icons and possibly banners, we would lavish you with much love and praise and thankfulness. If interested, just email us at wanking.mods@gmail.com.

Thanks again to everyone who's been following the fest, reading/viewing, commenting, and reccing! Stay with us as we enter the second half, 'cause there's lots more great fic and art to come.

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