The Potterverse Tarot Fest

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August 17th, 2008

01:28 am - "The Result is Never Arbitrary" (Narcissa/Lucius, G) by mistressmoony
Title: The Result is Never Arbitrary
Author: mistressmoony
Type: Fiction
Length: one-shot
Main character or Pairing: Narcissa, Narcissa/Lucius, Bella and Andromeda are around
Card: Nine of Spears, 10 of Cups, 4 of Swords. All reversed.
Card Interpretation:
This gives away the whole fic, so just a warning. Nine of Spears-Reversed is the worst possible reaction to a change, like Andromeda suddenly leaving. 10 if Cups-reversed are family problems, disappointment and loss of social standing, pettiness, and antisocial behavior. Instead of just losing Andromeda, Narcissa really doesn't have Bella anymore either. And the talk is going out of control Gossip-Girl style. 4 of Swords is "recuperation, healing, and retreating to a calm, safe environment. Respite. Leaving a stressful, chaotic situation in order to clear the mind and re-evaluate plans. Gentle soul searching. Regaining strength and direction. Being given protection and warm hospitality. " This is after Narcissa and Lucius decide that they're both in the same boat, more or less. So everything's going great until Lucius has to leave a party to go death-eating.
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Don't own it, don't pretend to. Nobody paid me for this.
Warnings: I think Bella says 'hell' once and knocks Lucius out.
Summary: A seventies-era fan fiction exploring Narcissa’s position as the last of three sisters to remain undeclared in the face of a looming war.
Author Notes: Beta-ing thanks to Tiffany. I know reading this took away seriously from your watching-tv-online time.  This was an attempt to figure out how different people in almost the exact same circumstances (the same family) turn out so differently. And how so much of what people do is tinted by layers of what other people do.

*1 spread* | *Read the Cards*

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