The Potterverse Tarot Fest - 21st March 2007

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March 21st, 2007

12:43 am - ART: 6 of Wands
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]vainasyoulike) Title: 6 of Wands
Author: [info]vainasyoulike
Type:  Art
Main character or Pairing: Harry, Luna, Ron, Hermione, Neville and Ginny
Card: 6 of wands
Card Interpretation: My own; "Victory - success is fortold in any venture. You may have to work for it , but you will achieve a greater victoy than you expect."
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I own nothing and no-one, someone called JK Rowling does apparently
Warnings: Bad pic/paint job
Author Notes: My scanner decided that now was a good time to go on strike, so I had to photo it ¬.¬ so do excuse the badness of it at the moment, but as soon as my scanner gets in gear I'll post a better pic.

Current Location: Not at work WOOP
Current Mood: [mood icon] blah
Current Music: McFly - Bubblewrap
Tags: ,

*Read the Cards*

07:06 am - Fic: Restless with Expectation, Tom Riddle, King of Coins
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]apricot_bath)

Title: Restless with Expectation
Author: [info]apricot_bath
Type: Fiction
Length: 1,875
Main character or Pairing: Tom Riddle.
Card: King of Coins
Card Interpretation: "A rather dark man, a merchant, master, professor."
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I own nothing that is recognizable.
Warnings: None that I can think of, though this is a fairly dark story.
Summary: “Teach me,” murmurs Bellatrix, coiling her flourlike hand over his throat, pressing gently into his windpipe. Bellatrix likes to play with life. Three women who encountered Tom Riddle, and then some.
Author Notes: Thanks to my beta, M, who knows that I struggled beyond belief with this, and only just finished. Seriously, thank you, buddy.

and foolish hope )

*Read the Cards*

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