The Potterverse Tarot Fest - 9th February 2007

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-Wikipedia on Tarot
-PadfootMK's Pensieve HP Tarot
-Original Waite meanings (PDF download)

February 9th, 2007

12:49 pm - HP Tarot Reminders & Posting Instructions
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]ravenna_c_tan)

I've been getting a lot of questions in comments and figured it was time to just hit everyone with the posting instructions.

Next week I will give all members of the comm posting access. Make sure you've joined/friended the community! On your posting date which has been assigned, it will be up to you to post your finished story or art yourself.

EVERYTHING goes behind a cut or fake cut/link to exterior hosting. The template for posts is below, which I lifted directly from the FAQ and rules post you all read way back when you signed up:


Stories must be at least 1000 words and must be beta-read before posting. Any type of fanfic, including gen, het, slash, AU, canon rewrites, etc... is acceptable for the fest so long as it combines the Harry Potter universe with the tarot-based prompts.

All stories must be posted in the [info]hp_tarotcommunity, or in your own journal/at your own site with a post here that has a fake-cut/link to it. (You must join the community to be able to do so.) All posts must follow the following template:

Type: Fiction, Art
Length: Word count or size (one-shot, short story, novella, novel, series, etc...) All pieces must be at least 1000 words long. There is no limit. If you want to write a novel, go ahead!
Main character or Pairing:
Card Interpretation:
Rating: (Use G, PG, PG-13, R, or NC-17 please)
Warnings: (i.e. Chan, Incest, Bestiality, Non-con, Death story, D/s, etc...)
Summary: No need to give away the whole plot, just enough to give readers an idea of what the story is about.
Author Notes: You might want to thank your beta-readers here, and put any other insights into your story.

After the above headers, please post the content of your story/art behind an lj-cut, regardless of the rating, or place a link (fake cut) to the story in your LJ or other archive site.

And yes, it's okay if you want to make your Tarot Fest story also conform to or meet some other challenge like [info]100quills, [info]fanfic100 or what have you. Use a Tarot Fest prompt as a basis for the chapter of a WIP if you like! As long as the card you choose prompts the fic, that is what we most want to see.


Please use the same template above, and post all art behind a cut or with a fake-cut to where the art is archived. The art does NOT have to look like a Tarot card or be shaped like one, though it would be kind of neat if we ended up with a "Livejournal HP Tarot Deck" when all was said and done! All ratings are accepted.

*Read the Cards*

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