Nov. 1st, 2008


New Affiliate: Parsel/Slash

I'd like to announce a new affiliate: the Parsel/Slash Yahoo Group!

It's a HP/TMR and HP/LV fangroup, and membership is moderated to reduce spam- if you join, please answer the question on the front page.

Jun. 21st, 2008


New Affiliate: Parsel Fest

For those of you who are in to HP/LV or HP/TMR, I'd like to present the Parsel Fest- a HP/LV fic exchange. 

[info]parsel_fest § [info]parsel_fest § [info]parsel_fest </lj>

Come join us for the gift exchange celebrating the pairing of Harry Potter/Tom Riddle-Lord Voldemort! All ratings and threesomes, moresomes, and other pairings welcome, as long as Harry/Tom-Voldemort is the focus pairing. Sign ups start on June 29; posting starts on the Autumn Equinox.

Rules and more information

Aug. 29th, 2007



I'd like to announce that we have our first affiliate, </a></strong></a>[info]weasleytwins!

If you would like your asylum to become an affiliate, please leave a comment on this post.

And, getting completely off topic, why am I the only one posting recs? Part of the reason why I wanted to start this asylum was so that I could find new stories to read, too! *pokes other members*