[info]rubytuesday5681 in [info]hp_slash_recs

unusual fic search

so, i'm suffering from severe laryingitis and i can't talk at all. it is terribly frustrating!

i need fic. does anyone know of any hp fics where one of the characters loses his or her ability to speak?

i would prefer slash, but if it's good, i could enjoy a het fic as well.

thanks for your help!


Hi. Hope your laryngitis is better by now. If you are still interested, Painless-J lists a whole bunch of speech disorders in her themed list for disabilities. http://painless-j.net/blog/2007/08/30/themed-list-disability/#aphasia

Also, Sulky Rhino has some on her list, http://sulky-rhino.livejournal.com/37673.html.

Happy reading. C4a