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Sacrifices Arc (Saving Connor Series) by Lightning Wave

Title:  Sacrifices Arc (Saving Connor Series)
Author: Lightning Wave
Rating: M
Genre: Drama/Angst/Horror/Adventure/Tragedy
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Warnings: Het, Extreme Violence, Gore, Physical and Mental Abuse, Rape, Character Death, AU, OCs
Spoilers: HBP
Disclaimers: Harry Potter is © J. K. Rowling, WB, Scholastic, and all others involved. No money is being made off these works.
Summary: Saving Connor begins an AU of Harry Potter's school years, the Sacrifices Arc, where Harry's twin Connor (bearing a heart-shaped scar) is acknowledged as the Boy-Who-Lived. Harry and Connor have a loving relationship, and Harry plays the role of personal bodyguard/silent support for his brother to the hilt.
Why I like this fic: This fic is beautifully written. It's incredibly long- it took me a week to read this 3 million word monster (for comparison, it took me less than 4 hours to read DH). The OCs are well integrated- they're well rounded, and avoid Mary Sue-ism. It's probably the most angst-filled story I've read- part of the reason it took me so long is that I had to stop reading at points to keep from getting overwhelmed- hell, the bloody thing made me cry.



Saving Connor

Bloody hell, it took you only ONE WEEK? To read ALL 7 books?
It took me like... 6 month, I guess. The first time I began to read it, I gave up at book six because I thought I knew how it was going to end and just couldn't take it.

Two years later I wanted to continue where I stopped, just to realize that I had no clue who was who and what the whole "vates" thing was about, and had to start all over.

(Alright, I'm babbling.)

What still fascinates me is that she took all those bloody clichées you really don't want to read about anymore - Harry and a twinbrother, super!special!awesome!Harry, abused!Harry, Severitus... And manages to write something so fascinating, heartbreaking, wonderful.

Alright, just had to reply to your rec since somehow I think everyone should have read the story, and barely anyone did.

Greetings from Germany