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Remus/Sirius rec

Title: Seven Lessons with Sirius Black
Author: freudian_fuckup
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Possibly angst?
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Warnings: Drug use, underaged
Spoilers: None, really
Disclaimers: Harry Potter is © J. K. Rowling, WB, Scholastic, and all others involved. No money is being made off these works.
Why I like this fic: This is the second piece I've read by this writer, and both times I've been really surprised that there's not more hoo-ha. The writing is sparse and elegant, and the twisted, hectic, and universally unhappy sense of it just adds to the elegance. The story spans each of Remus' seven years at Hogwarts, each starting off with something Sirius taught him that year. The progression is nicely paced, and though a few times I did think to myself, 'Aren't they a bit too young for this?' each time the writer ties it back into plausibility with their reactions to all of the weirdness. I really recommend reading this, and others by freudian_fuckup, because the sense of poignant despair, dappled with all-too-short moments of breath-taking hope, is just really, really groovy.


Hey, I know this was almost a year ago, but I loved this piece, and have now read through all her other stuff which was great! Any chance you know any other great Remus/Sirius writers?