Thu, Dec. 25th, 2008, 05:09 am
[info]theentwife: Potterverse Fic -- God Rest Ye Merry Werewolves

Title: God Rest Ye Merry Werewolves
Author: Persephone Yavanna the Entwife
Pairing/Characters: Harry, Fenrir, Hermione and Kreacher
Wordcount: 3625
Rating: G for gen (in other words, completely work-safe!)
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: JK Rowling and assorted others have rights to create derivative works within the Potterverse, but I am not one of those licensees, unfortunately. Rather not be sued for playing with the characters, though . . . not making a profit here, just exploring the characters and situations created by the esteemed Ms. Rowling.
Summary: Harry returns early from Christmas festivities at the Burrow
Author Notes: Occurs after Wolf at the Door. The Yule Log is a NYC tradition, where commercial-free Christmas music is played on Christmas Eve by area stations -- the original TV station that started the tradition used to show a burning fireplace for the video portion of the show.

God Rest Ye Merry Werewolves

Thu, Apr. 3rd, 2008, 02:44 am
[info]theentwife: Potterverse Fic -- Poisson d'Avril

Title: Poisson d'Avril
Author: Persephone Yavanna the Entwife
Pairing/Characters: Lucius, Narcissa, Severus, Peter, Remus, Lily, Sirius, Bellatrix, Rodolphus, Rabastan and Horace
Wordcount: 8411
Rating: G for gen (in other words, completely work-safe!)
Warnings: None, to my mind, but hints of femdom and mild language might offend the more sensitive souls
Disclaimer: JK Rowling and assorted others have rights to create derivative works within the Potterverse, but I am not one of those licensees, unfortunately. Rather not be sued for playing with the characters, though . . . not making a profit here, just exploring the characters and situations created by the esteemed Ms. Rowling.
Summary: Severus gets some unexpected help in turning the tables on Sirius Black
Author Notes: The title comes from the French term for April Fools. This is also my first Marauders-era story.

Poisson d'Avril

Wed, Nov. 7th, 2007, 08:41 am

Title: Merry Xmas! Love, James and Lily
Author: [info]dirrty
Summary: James doesn't know what to get Lily for Christmas, so she lets him know. Written for the prompt "shopping" for the Christmas table at [info]12daysof.
Rating: G, actually, I think.
Characters/Pairing: James/Lily.
Word Count: 773.
Warnings: None, except it's very fluffy and light. And totally meant to get you in the holiday mood! And I crossposted it at 3 different places. Sorry! I'm just trying to get my fic out there!
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, and I'm sure someone else in the course of history has written a story similar to this, even if it's in another fandom. Please don't sue me, because J.K. has enough money without my very small Starbucks salary. Thank you.

Merry Xmas! ♥, James and Lily

Fri, Oct. 26th, 2007, 01:58 pm
[info]valady: Waiting

Title: Waiting
Author: Valady
Pairings: Hermione/Severus
Rating: G
Word count: 500
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: All characters belong to JK Rowling, I just take them out to play.
Author's Note: Written for IJ community [info]beginnings Challenge #1 - It was a dark and stormy night

Waiting )

Mon, Oct. 22nd, 2007, 04:38 pm
[info]orpheus_samhain: FIC: "Ghost" by Orpheus Samhain (Lily/Severus, G)

Title: Ghost
Author: [info]orpheus_samhain
Beta: adoring
Pairings: Lily/Severus
Rating: G
Word count: ~2,500
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: JKR's, not mine
Summary: They say that death ends all earthly sufferings. What if it offers nothing in return? What if it was all you had?
Author's Note: Written for LJ community fanfic100, prompt 100: Writer's Choice (Ghost) and also for [info]snape_after_dh.